Analyze how revolutionary leaders like Chandrashekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh, and Aurobindo Ghosh contributed to the armed resistance movement against the British rule.
The 1929 Lahore session of Congress happened in the backdrop of several important events that had prepared a foundation for launching the next stage of Indian freedom struggle i.e., demand of “Poorna Swaraj”. The Government of India Act, 1919 caused discontentment with the British policies further cRead more
The 1929 Lahore session of Congress happened in the backdrop of several important events that had prepared a foundation for launching the next stage of Indian freedom struggle i.e., demand of “Poorna Swaraj”. The Government of India Act, 1919 caused discontentment with the British policies further compounded by the all-white Simon Commission of 1927. Lord Birkenhead had challenged the nationalists to draft a constitution that was acceptable to all. Also, the session took place amidst the breakdown of negotiations between leaders of the freedom movement and the British over the question of dominion status as Lord Irwin retraced back on his declaration that India would be granted dominion status in future. He changed his stance after backlash in England and said that he could not promise dominion status anytime soon. The key highlights of the 1929 session, which make it a defining moment in India’s freedom struggle and shaped the vision for an independent India in following ways:
- Declaration of Poorna Swaraj: The INC abandoned its long-standing demand of dominion status and stated complete independence from foreign rule as its ultimate goal. Till now, the Congress was demanding dominion status. But this change in guard pressurized Britishers for further devolution of power to Indians as evident from future proposals like Cabinet Mission plan, Wavell plan or Mountbatten plan.
- Symbolic independence: A public declaration was made on 26th January, 1930- a day which INC urged Indians to celebrate as Independence Day. The Indian tricolor was hoisted for the first time on the banks of Ravi. It helped in keeping the masses interested in the freedom struggle. Masses started participating more aggressively in future struggles like the CDM or Quit India movement.
- Boycott of Round Table Conferences (RTC): It was decided to boycott the RTCs convened by the British PM Macdonald as they were based on Simon Commission report thus making RTCs’ outcome irrelevant in the absence of Congress.
- Resolution of Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM): It was adopted to reinvigorate the masses towards a mass struggle against exploitation. Massive participation of Indians in CDM and acceptance of rights of Indians by the British to make salt for self-consumption are testament to the success of CDM. It led to a new wave of consciousness and nationalism among the masses.
- Recognition to socialist ideology: Jawahar Lal Nehru’s elevation to the presidency was a recognition of acceptance of socialist ideology in INC. In later years, under two years of Congress rule, this ideology gave people the real sense of freedom and masses became more aware of the importance of freedom.
Hence, the 1929 Lahore session heralded a new phase of political struggle and ideology. The Indian nationalists unambiguously upheld the principles of self-rule and self-determination by adopting Poorna Swaraj, which reinvigorated the freedom struggle from time to time and was a major causative factor for the events that unfolded till 1947.
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Contribution of Aurobindo Ghosh: Intellectual Leadership: Aurobindo Ghosh was a key intellectual leader of the Indian independence movement, advocating for complete independence from British colonial rule. He founded the newspaper Bande Mataram and wrote extensively on politics, philosophy, and spirRead more
Contribution of Aurobindo Ghosh:
Contribution of Bhagat Singh:
Contribution of Chandrashekhar Azad:
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