Answer the question in maximum 200 words. This question carries 11 marks. [MPPSC 2023] How many types of earth resources satellites are there? Describe briefly.
Remote sensing is the process of acquiring information about objects, areas, or phenomena on the Earth’s surface using data obtained from remote sensors. The elements of the remote sensing process are as follows: Energy source: This refers to the electromagnetic energy emitted or reflected by the obRead more
Remote sensing is the process of acquiring information about objects, areas, or phenomena on the Earth’s surface using data obtained from remote sensors. The elements of the remote sensing process are as follows:
- Energy source: This refers to the electromagnetic energy emitted or reflected by the objects or areas being analyzed. This energy can be visible, such as sunlight, or invisible, such as radio waves.
- Sensor: A remote sensor is a device that detects and records the electromagnetic energy in different wavelengths and converts it into electrical signals. Remote sensors can be active, such as radars that emit energy and measure the return signal, or passive, such as optical sensors that measure the energy reflected or emitted by objects.
- Platform: This is the vehicle or platform from which remote sensing data is acquired. Platforms can be satellites, aircraft, drones, or ground-based stations.
- Preprocessing: Preprocessing is a set of techniques and processes applied to remote sensing data to correct imperfections in the sensors and improve data quality. These techniques can include atmospheric correction, geometric correction, and radiometric calibration.
- Processing: Processing involves applying various techniques and algorithms to the remote sensing data to extract useful and relevant information, such as land cover classification or change detection. This process can involve image enhancement, feature extraction, and data fusion.
- Analysis: Remote sensing analysis involves interpreting the results of the processing to gain information and knowledge about the objects, areas, or phenomena being analyzed. This can include pattern recognition, data mining, and statistical analysis.
- Applications: Remote sensing data is used in a variety of applications, including agriculture, environmental management, urban planning, and natural resource management. These applications can include land use and land cover mapping, disaster response and mitigation, and ecosystem monitoring.
In conclusion, the remote sensing process involves a range of interconnected elements, including energy sources, sensors, platforms, preprocessing, processing, analysis, and applications. These elements work together to acquire, process, and interpret remote sensing data to provide valuable information and knowledge for a variety of applications.
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An Earth Resource Satellite (ERS) is a spacecraft designed to study and monitor the Earth's natural resources, atmosphere, oceans, land surfaces and natural phenomena providing valuable data for scientific research, management and conservation.There are five main types of Earth Resource Satellites (Read more
An Earth Resource Satellite (ERS) is a spacecraft designed to study and monitor the Earth’s natural resources, atmosphere, oceans, land surfaces and natural phenomena providing valuable data for scientific research, management and conservation.There are five main types of Earth Resource Satellites (ERS) categorized based on their primary applications –
Earth Resource Satellites play a vital role in monitoring and managing natural resources, predicting disasters and aiding conservation efforts. Their data enables informed decision making, promoting sustainable development, environmental protection and improved resource utilization, benefiting humanity and the planet.
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