Q. Indians biggest achievements in year 2024.
Precision Agriculture: GPS and GIS functions enable precise agricultural land mapping to support specific input distribution of fertilizers and pesticides in targeted areas. The precise mapping of farmland enables minimal waste production while utilizing resources at their best capacity. SatellitesRead more
Precision Agriculture:
GPS and GIS functions enable precise agricultural land mapping to support specific input distribution of fertilizers and pesticides in targeted areas. The precise mapping of farmland enables minimal waste production while utilizing resources at their best capacity.
Satellites and drones through remote sensing allow farmers to collect crucial data about crop status along with soil wetness and different environmental indicators which enables precise pest management choices and leveling of fertilizer usage and water supply.
Through automated irrigation systems and robotic harvesters and spraying drones farmers achieve higher efficiency and lower expenses while needing less human workers.
Improved Seed Varieties:
Plant research activities in breeding programs have created HYV seeds which dramatically extend crop production capabilities.
GM techniques resulted in Bt cotton becoming a resistant crop which has yielded better results with reduced chemical pesticide usage despite public opposition to its usage.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT):
Farmers access market updates and weather predictions and expert advice using mobile phones and the Internet. With this knowledge they become capable of making smart choices regarding planting times and harvest operations and product sale procedures.
Farmers can use e-NAM (National Agriculture Market) and similar e-commerce platforms to link with buyers through online trading systems which enhance market availability for agricultural products.
Improved Irrigation Technologies:
The system of Drip Irrigation supplies water right to plant roots which results in decreased water waste through evaporation and runoff and boosts the efficiency of water usage.
The sprinkler irrigation system surpasses flood irrigation by enhancing plant water distribution while cutting down water waste.
Achievements across various sectors
Achievements across various sectors
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