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एन.आर.सी. विवाद से आप क्या समझते हैं? इस विवाद में निहित राजनीतिक मंशाओं को स्पष्ट कीजिये। इस मुद्दे के अंतर्राष्ट्रीय प्रभावों की भी विवेचना कीजिये। [63वीं बीपीएससी मुख्य परीक्षा 2017]
एन.आर.सी. विवाद: राष्ट्रीय नागरिक रजिस्टर (एन.आर.सी.) एक कानूनी दस्तावेज है जिसमें देश के नागरिकों का रिकॉर्ड रखा जाता है। इसका उद्देश्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि केवल उन लोगों को भारतीय नागरिक माना जाए जिनके पास भारत के नागरिक होने का कानूनी प्रमाण हो। यह विवाद असम में 1951 से शुरू हुआ था और 2019 मेंRead more
एन.आर.सी. विवाद:
राष्ट्रीय नागरिक रजिस्टर (एन.आर.सी.) एक कानूनी दस्तावेज है जिसमें देश के नागरिकों का रिकॉर्ड रखा जाता है। इसका उद्देश्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि केवल उन लोगों को भारतीय नागरिक माना जाए जिनके पास भारत के नागरिक होने का कानूनी प्रमाण हो। यह विवाद असम में 1951 से शुरू हुआ था और 2019 में असम के एन.आर.सी. को अपडेट करने के बाद यह राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर प्रमुख विवाद बन गया।
एन.आर.सी. विवाद की उत्पत्ति
राजनीतिक मंशाएँ
एन.आर.सी. विवाद को लेकर कई राजनीतिक मंशाएँ जुड़ी हुई हैं:
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय प्रभाव
समाधान के लिए सुझाव
एन.आर.सी. विवाद भारतीय राजनीति में संवेदनशील मुद्दा बन चुका है। इसके राजनीतिक और सांप्रदायिक प्रभावों को देखते हुए यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि इसे सतर्कता और संवेदनशीलता के साथ सुलझाया जाए, ताकि सभी भारतीय नागरिकों के अधिकारों की रक्षा की जा सके और भारत की अंतर्राष्ट्रीय छवि पर कोई नकारात्मक प्रभाव न पड़े।
See lessटू प्लस टू वार्ता क्या है? भारत एवं ईरान के द्विपक्षीय संबंधों के संदर्भ में भारत एवं अमेरिका के बीच हुई टू प्लस टू वार्ता को स्पष्ट कीजिये। [63वीं बीपीएससी मुख्य परीक्षा 2017]
"टू प्लस टू वार्ता" (2+2 Dialogue) एक उच्च स्तरीय द्विपक्षीय वार्ता का रूप है, जिसमें दो देशों के विदेश और रक्षा मंत्री एक साथ मिलकर अपने देशों के बीच सहयोग और मुद्दों पर चर्चा करते हैं। यह एक प्रकार की व्यापक और गहरे रणनीतिक संवाद प्रक्रिया है जो देशों के रिश्तों को मजबूत करने के उद्देश्य से की जातRead more
“टू प्लस टू वार्ता” (2+2 Dialogue) एक उच्च स्तरीय द्विपक्षीय वार्ता का रूप है, जिसमें दो देशों के विदेश और रक्षा मंत्री एक साथ मिलकर अपने देशों के बीच सहयोग और मुद्दों पर चर्चा करते हैं। यह एक प्रकार की व्यापक और गहरे रणनीतिक संवाद प्रक्रिया है जो देशों के रिश्तों को मजबूत करने के उद्देश्य से की जाती है।
इसका नाम “टू प्लस टू” इसलिए रखा गया है क्योंकि इसमें दो मंत्रालयों, यानी विदेश मंत्रालय और रक्षा मंत्रालय के मंत्री शामिल होते हैं। यह वार्ता आमतौर पर सुरक्षा, रणनीतिक साझेदारी, और अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्दों पर केंद्रित होती है।
भारत और अमेरिका के बीच टू प्लस टू वार्ता
भारत और अमेरिका के बीच हुई टू प्लस टू वार्ता एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम था जो दोनों देशों के बीच सुरक्षा, रक्षा और रणनीतिक साझेदारी को मजबूत करने का उद्देश्य रखता है। इस वार्ता में भारत के विदेश मंत्री एस. जयशंकर और रक्षा मंत्री राजनाथ सिंह तथा अमेरिका के विदेश मंत्री एंटनी ब्लिंकेन और रक्षा मंत्री लॉयड ऑस्टिन ने भाग लिया।
1. भारत-ईरान के संबंधों के संदर्भ में टू प्लस टू वार्ता
2. भारत की स्थिति:
3. टू प्लस टू वार्ता का उद्देश्य:
भारत और अमेरिका के बीच टू प्लस टू वार्ता के मुख्य बिंदु:
भारत और अमेरिका के बीच टू प्लस टू वार्ता एक महत्वपूर्ण रणनीतिक कदम था, जो दोनों देशों के रिश्तों को और प्रगाढ़ बनाने के साथ-साथ सुरक्षा, आतंकवाद और सामरिक मुद्दों पर सहयोग बढ़ाने में मदद करेगा। हालांकि, ईरान जैसे देशों के साथ भारत के रिश्तों को संतुलित करना एक बड़ी चुनौती है, लेकिन भारत ने हमेशा अपने राष्ट्रीय हितों को प्राथमिकता दी है और अमेरिका के साथ अपने संबंधों को भी मजबूत किया है।
See lessरोहिंग्या शरणार्थी संकट की आलोचनात्मक विवेचना कीजिये। इस संकट की उत्पत्ति एवं समाधान में म्यांमार, चीन, भारत एवं बांग्लादेश की भूमिका का वर्णन कीजिये। रोहिंग्या शरणार्थियों के संदर्भ में मानवाधिकारों के हनन पर प्रकाश डालिये। [63वीं बीपीएससी मुख्य परीक्षा 2017]
रोहिंग्या शरणार्थी संकट दक्षिण एशिया, विशेष रूप से म्यांमार, बांग्लादेश और भारत में एक गहरी मानवीय और राजनीतिक समस्या बन चुका है। यह संकट उन लाखों रोहिंग्या मुस्लिमों के कारण उत्पन्न हुआ है, जिन्हें म्यांमार में नागरिकता से वंचित किया गया और वे हिंसा और उत्पीड़न का शिकार बने। इस संकट ने न केवल मानवीRead more
रोहिंग्या शरणार्थी संकट दक्षिण एशिया, विशेष रूप से म्यांमार, बांग्लादेश और भारत में एक गहरी मानवीय और राजनीतिक समस्या बन चुका है। यह संकट उन लाखों रोहिंग्या मुस्लिमों के कारण उत्पन्न हुआ है, जिन्हें म्यांमार में नागरिकता से वंचित किया गया और वे हिंसा और उत्पीड़न का शिकार बने। इस संकट ने न केवल मानवीय संकट उत्पन्न किया, बल्कि यह अंतरराष्ट्रीय राजनीति, मानवाधिकारों और क्षेत्रीय स्थिरता पर भी असर डाल रहा है।
संकट की उत्पत्ति
1. म्यांमार में उत्पीड़न
2. मानवाधिकारों का उल्लंघन
म्यांमार, चीन, भारत और बांग्लादेश की भूमिका
1. म्यांमार की भूमिका
2. चीन की भूमिका
3. भारत की भूमिका
4. बांग्लादेश की भूमिका
शरणार्थियों के मानवाधिकारों का हनन
संकट का समाधान और भविष्य की दिशा
रोहिंग्या शरणार्थी संकट न केवल म्यांमार, बांग्लादेश, भारत और चीन जैसे देशों के लिए एक गहरी चुनौती है, बल्कि यह पूरी दुनिया के लिए एक मानवाधिकार संकट भी है। इस संकट का समाधान केवल अंतरराष्ट्रीय सहयोग, म्यांमार की स्थिरता, और शरणार्थियों के अधिकारों की रक्षा में निहित है। जब तक इन पहलुओं को गंभीरता से नहीं लिया जाएगा, तब तक यह संकट जारी रहेगा और मानवाधिकारों का उल्लंघन बढ़ेगा।
See lessExplain in detial the major minerals known in India. Discuss their contribution in the economic development of Indian economy as well as tell the key points to India's new mineral policy. [63th BPSC Mains Exam 2017]
India is rich in mineral resources, and mining is an essential part of the country's economic development. The minerals found in India are vital for various industries, including construction, energy, manufacturing, and technology. Understanding these resources and how they contribute to India's ecoRead more
India is rich in mineral resources, and mining is an essential part of the country’s economic development. The minerals found in India are vital for various industries, including construction, energy, manufacturing, and technology. Understanding these resources and how they contribute to India’s economy is crucial for evaluating the nation’s industrial growth.
Major Minerals in India
India is home to a wide range of minerals that play a significant role in its industrial growth. Below are the key minerals found in India:
1. Coal
2. Iron Ore
3. Bauxite
4. Manganese
5. Copper
6. Limestone
7. Gold
Contribution of Minerals to India’s Economic Development
Minerals play a pivotal role in the economic development of India in the following ways:
1. Industrial Growth
2. Energy Production
3. Exports
4. Employment Generation
5. Infrastructure Development
India’s New Mineral Policy
India’s National Mineral Policy 2019 aims to promote sustainable mining, ensure efficient resource utilization, and enhance the mining sector’s contribution to the economy. Some key features of the policy include:
1. Attracting Investments
2. Sustainable Mining Practices
3. Promoting Value Addition
4. Increased Mineral Exploration
5. Mineral Conservation and Recycling
6. Community Welfare
7. Technological Upgradation
Minerals play an essential role in India’s economy, from supporting energy needs and industrial growth to generating employment and boosting exports. The country’s mineral-rich regions, such as Odisha and Jharkhand, contribute significantly to economic activities. With the new National Mineral Policy 2019, India aims to optimize mineral resources, promote sustainability, and improve the mining sector’s efficiency. If implemented effectively, this policy will further strengthen India’s position in the global mineral market while ensuring inclusive and environmentally conscious development.
See lessExplain the reasons why India's major large-scale industries have been estalished in geographical areas in some special areas. Explain main key industries of India. [63th BPSC Mains Exam 2017]
Reasons for the Location of India's Major Large-Scale Industries India's industrial growth has been shaped by several factors that determine the location of industries. Large-scale industries are typically concentrated in specific geographical regions due to economic, historical, and natural advantaRead more
Reasons for the Location of India’s Major Large-Scale Industries
India’s industrial growth has been shaped by several factors that determine the location of industries. Large-scale industries are typically concentrated in specific geographical regions due to economic, historical, and natural advantages. Understanding these factors helps explain the industrial distribution across India.
Key Factors Influencing the Location of Industries
1. Availability of Raw Materials
2. Proximity to Market
3. Availability of Labour
4. Infrastructure and Connectivity
5. Government Policies and Incentives
6. Climate and Environment
Major Key Industries of India
India’s industrial sector is diverse, with several key industries contributing significantly to the country’s economy. These industries are concentrated in specific regions due to the factors mentioned above.
1. Iron and Steel Industry
2. Textile Industry
3. Automobile Industry
4. Chemical and Petrochemical Industry
5. Cement Industry
6. Electronics and IT Industry
7. Food Processing Industry
The location of major large-scale industries in India is influenced by factors such as availability of raw materials, proximity to markets, labor availability, infrastructure, and government policies. Regions with favorable conditions for industry growth, such as Chennai for automobile manufacturing or Jamshedpur for steel production, have become industrial hubs. Understanding these factors helps explain the concentration of industries and their contribution to India’s economic development.
See lessDiscussing the estimation of poverty in India, explain the factors responsible for poverty. Which programs are being run by the Indian government to remove poverty? [63th BPSC Mains Exam 2017]
Poverty is a pressing issue in India, affecting millions of people and hindering the country's socio-economic development. Understanding poverty, its causes, and the efforts to alleviate it is essential for creating a more equitable society. Estimation of Poverty in India 1. Poverty Line Definition:Read more
Poverty is a pressing issue in India, affecting millions of people and hindering the country’s socio-economic development. Understanding poverty, its causes, and the efforts to alleviate it is essential for creating a more equitable society.
Estimation of Poverty in India
1. Poverty Line
2. Current Statistics
Factors Responsible for Poverty
1. Economic Disparities
2. Unemployment
3. Low Agricultural Productivity
4. Population Growth
5. Education and Skill Gaps
6. Social Inequality
7. Health and Malnutrition
Government Programs to Remove Poverty
The government has launched several schemes and initiatives to tackle poverty by addressing its root causes.
1. Direct Poverty Alleviation Programs
2. Skill Development and Employment Generation
3. Food Security
4. Housing and Basic Services
5. Financial Inclusion
6. Education and Health
Challenges in Eradicating Poverty
Poverty in India is a multifaceted problem requiring a comprehensive and sustained approach. While the government’s initiatives like MGNREGA, PMJDY, and NFSA have shown positive impacts, challenges remain in effective implementation and targeting. Greater emphasis on education, skill development, and inclusive economic growth is essential to lift millions out of poverty and ensure a better quality of life for all. With coordinated efforts between the Centre, States, and civil society, India can move closer to achieving its goal of eradicating poverty.
See lessPresently highlight the major problems of Indian agriculture and suggest way to remove them adn discuss the major programs being run by the Government for the development of Indian agriculture. [63th BPSC Mains Exam 2017]
Major Problems of Indian Agriculture and Solutions Agriculture is the backbone of India's economy, employing nearly half the population and contributing significantly to GDP. However, Indian agriculture faces several challenges, ranging from outdated practices to external pressures like climate chanRead more
Major Problems of Indian Agriculture and Solutions
Agriculture is the backbone of India’s economy, employing nearly half the population and contributing significantly to GDP. However, Indian agriculture faces several challenges, ranging from outdated practices to external pressures like climate change. Addressing these issues is crucial for sustainable development.
Major Problems of Indian Agriculture
1. Low Productivity
2. Dependence on Monsoons
3. Fragmented Landholdings
4. Post-Harvest Losses
5. Inadequate Credit Availability
6. Market and Pricing Issues
7. Climate Change and Soil Degradation
8. Water Scarcity
Solutions to Overcome Problems
1. Adopting Modern Techniques
2. Improving Irrigation Facilities
3. Land Reforms
4. Strengthening Credit Support
5. Enhancing Storage and Logistics
6. Boosting Market Access
7. Addressing Climate Change
8. Education and Awareness
Government Programs for Agricultural Development
1. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY):
2. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY):
3. Soil Health Card Scheme:
4. e-NAM (National Agricultural Market):
5. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY):
6. Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY):
7. Operation Green:
8. Kisan Credit Card (KCC):
Indian agriculture is at a critical juncture, facing numerous challenges but also opportunities for growth. By addressing systemic issues through modern techniques, better infrastructure, and supportive policies, the sector can achieve sustainable development. The government’s initiatives like PMFBY, PMKSY, and e-NAM are steps in the right direction but need effective implementation and increased reach. Collaborative efforts between the Centre, States, and farmers are key to transforming Indian agriculture into a resilient and prosperous sector.
See lessWhat is the difference between Constitution and Constitutionalism? Critically discuss the doctrine of 'basic 38 structure' as enunciated by the Supreme Court of India. [63th BPSC Mains Exam 2017]
Difference Between Constitution and Constitutionalism Constitution: A constitution is a written document or a set of fundamental principles that outline the framework of government, its powers, and the rights of citizens. It is a static legal document, detailing the structure and functioning of theRead more
Difference Between Constitution and Constitutionalism
In essence:
Doctrine of Basic Structure
Origin of the Doctrine
Key Features of Basic Structure Doctrine
Elements of the Basic Structure
While the Supreme Court has not provided an exhaustive list, the following are commonly considered part of the basic structure:
Significance of the Basic Structure Doctrine
Criticism of the Doctrine
Landmark Cases Related to Basic Structure
The distinction between Constitution and Constitutionalism reflects the difference between having a set of rules and ensuring that those rules are applied in a fair, democratic manner. The Basic Structure Doctrine, while not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, has become a cornerstone of Indian democracy by preventing arbitrary amendments and protecting the Constitution’s core values.
However, its subjective interpretation and the judiciary’s dominant role call for careful balance to respect both judicial independence and parliamentary sovereignty. The doctrine underscores the importance of safeguarding democracy while allowing flexibility for constitutional evolution.
See lessWhat are the implications of growing regional political parties on the Indian party politics in recent times? [63th BPSC Mains Exam 2017]
India’s political landscape has witnessed a significant rise in regional political parties, which play an increasingly vital role in shaping governance and influencing national policies. These parties cater to specific regions, communities, and local issues, and their growth has transformed the dynaRead more
India’s political landscape has witnessed a significant rise in regional political parties, which play an increasingly vital role in shaping governance and influencing national policies. These parties cater to specific regions, communities, and local issues, and their growth has transformed the dynamics of Indian party politics.
What Are Regional Political Parties
Regional political parties primarily operate in specific states or regions and address local issues rather than national concerns. Examples include:
Implications of Growing Regional Political Parties
1. Strengthening Federalism
2. Coalition Politics
3. Focus on Local Issues
4. Increased Political Competition
5. Rise of Identity Politics
6. Challenges to National Unity
7. Impact on National Policies
8. Governance Challenges
Illustrations of Regional Party Influence
The growth of regional political parties has reshaped Indian politics, enhancing federalism, increasing focus on local issues, and making elections more competitive. However, it also brings challenges like political instability, identity-based divisions, and policy delays at the national level.
A balanced approach, where national and regional interests coexist harmoniously, is essential for sustaining India’s democratic and federal structure. Regional parties will likely continue to play a crucial role in shaping India’s political and governance framework.
See lessDo you agree that Indian Politics today primarily revolves around development politics rather than ascriptive politics? Discuss with reference to Bihar. [63th BPSC Mains Exam 2017]
Indian politics has historically been influenced by ascriptive factors such as caste, religion, and regional identities. However, in recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on development politics, focusing on economic growth, infrastructure, education, and healthcare. This shift is evident,Read more
Indian politics has historically been influenced by ascriptive factors such as caste, religion, and regional identities. However, in recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on development politics, focusing on economic growth, infrastructure, education, and healthcare. This shift is evident, but its extent varies across regions, including Bihar.
Understanding Development Politics and Ascriptive Politics
Indian Politics Today: The Shift Toward Development
Evidence of Development Politics
Persistence of Ascriptive Politics
Bihar: A Case Study
Bihar provides a unique lens to examine the balance between development and ascriptive politics.
Transition Toward Development Politics
Persistence of Ascriptive Politics
Critical Analysis
Indian politics is gradually shifting toward development politics, as seen in Bihar’s emphasis on governance reforms and infrastructure growth. However, ascriptive politics continues to play a pivotal role, especially in candidate selection and voter mobilization.
To fully embrace development politics, it is crucial for both political leaders and voters to prioritize governance and performance over identity-based affiliations. The balance between these two paradigms will shape the future of democracy in India.
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