Answer the question in maximum 15 to 20 words. This question carries 03 marks.[MPPSC 2023] What distinguishes machine language from assembly language?
Biotechnology Innovations for Sustainable Space Missions Life Support Systems: Bioregenerative Life Support: Utilizes plants and microorganisms to recycle air, water, and waste, creating a closed-loop system. Oxygen Generation: Engineered algae and plants can produce oxygen through photosynthesis. FRead more
Machine code is a strictly numerical language (Binary code) that computers directly understand and execute, with a interface to the CPU intended for a programmer. whereas assembly language is a human-readable representation of machine language. The main difference lies in their abstraction levels.
Machine code is a strictly numerical language (Binary code) that computers directly understand and execute, with a interface to the CPU intended for a programmer. whereas assembly language is a human-readable representation of machine language. The main difference lies in their abstraction levels.
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