The diplomatic relations between the USA and Pakistan goes back to 1947, the year which gained independence. These relations grew strong on account of cold war politics and USA desperation to have an ally in South Asia to counter Russain Influence. With Russia invading Afghanistan in 1979, PakistanRead more
The diplomatic relations between the USA and Pakistan goes back to 1947, the year which gained independence. These relations grew strong on account of cold war politics and USA desperation to have an ally in South Asia to counter Russain Influence. With Russia invading Afghanistan in 1979, Pakistan became instrumental for the US, which pumped arms and money via Pakistan to train mujahideen. Ever Since the end of the Cold war, US relations with Pakistan has oscillated between incentivizing and pressurizing it through aid and arms
Usa Oscillation Regarding Pakistan
- The contradictory policy is deeply rooted in the Washington-Islamabad relationship, going back to the earliest decades of Pakistani independence. 2
- US aid to Pakistan skyrocketed under Mohammad Ayub Khan, Muhammad Zia al-Haq, and Pervez Musharraf, its three military rulers who suspended the democratic process and placed Pakistan under martial law for extended periods.
- This policy of aid saw a downward trend after the end of the cold war. In fact under the Clinton administration, the USA imposed costly economic sanctions on Pakistan for testing its nuclear weapons.
- However, the 9/11 attacks on the USA and its subsequent war on terror again made Pakistan important for America. Pakistan allowed NATO access to supply routes through the country and received considerable military and security assistance in return. President George W. Bush named Pakistan a major non-NATO ally in 2004.
- Relations again cooled down during the Obama administration as concerns grew about Pakistan’s safe havens for the Taliban and the presence of al-Qaeda in the country.
- US-Pakistan relations reached an all-time low under the Trump administration. USPakistan relations for the first two years of the administration was characterized by an almost singular focus on U.S. concerns about Pakistani safe havens for the Haqqani Network.
- The administration said it would make economic ties contingent on Pakistan taking action against militant and terrorist groups. Things soured further in January 2018, when Trump accused Pakistan of “lies and deceit” in its relationship with America. The administration cut off $1.3 billion in U.S. security assistance following Trump’s tweet.
- However, things again changed when the US realized the centrality of Pakistan in the Afghan Peace process. The seeds for a reset had been sown, Pakistan considers the U.S.- Taliban deal signed in February a product of its help, and Zalmay Khalilzad special envoy of the US to the peace process has publicly acknowledged Pakistan’s help with the process numerous times.
Challenges And Areas Of Convergence For India
After the cold war India relations with the US improved considerably, however lack of a definitive stance on part of the US regarding Pakistan has been a constant source of friction between India and the USA.
- India is earnestly attempting to isolate Pakistan over its support for terrorist groups operating from its soil. However, this policy will not succeed as long as the US supports India in this regard.
- The Trump administration’s volta face with regard to Pakistan is frustrating Indian efforts. For example, on his recent visit to India in 2020 Trump described the USA’s relation with Pakistan as “a very good one”.
- Another major challenge for India is Pakistan’s potentially increased role in Afghanistan once the USA leaves. This would leave the U.S. overly dependent on Pakistan to shape Afghan politics in the future. This increased role is coming at the cost of India.
- In December 2019, the U.S. decided to resume a military training programme for Pakistan, which has been a central pillar of the U.S.-Pakistan military cooperation for years. President Trump suspended the $2-billion programme in 2018 to force Pakistan to crack down on terrorist groups.
- In the most recent example of the U.S.’s soft policy towards Pakistan, Washington and its allies raised no adverse remark on Pakistan in the review meeting of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
- Another issue is president Trump offering to mediate between India and Pakistan on the issue of Kashmir. In doing so Trump practically endorsed the Pakistani position that Kashmir is an international issue, as opposed to India’s view that it is a bilateral issue.
- The points of convergence included a tough stance on terrorism emanating from Pakistan. The Trump administration turned a blind eye to India striking terrorist training camps inside Pakistan twice in 2016 and 2019.
- The USA has joined India in underlining the “urgent need for Pakistan to take immediate, sustained, and irreversible action to ensure that no territory under its control is used for terrorist attacks”.
- The USA also is lending its support to India, by demanding Pakistan to expeditiously bring to justice the perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai Attack and Pathankot Attack.
- Despite Pakistan’s intentions, the US wants India to be part of the Afghan peace process. Pakistan has been concerned about India’s participation in the intra-Afghan talks at Doha but Delhi went ahead with its presence amid support from the US and the Afghan government.
- The freeze in security assistance to Pakistan in 2018, was followed by a reduction in financial aid in 2019. This is in line with India demand that the US cut aid to Pakistan, as New-Delhi believes that this aid money is used to fund terror activities in Kashmir.
- Following India’s raising the issue of Pakistan’s misuse of US jet fighters in an aerial raid against India, the US has put in place end-user monitoring of all fighter jets sold to Pakistan to prevent any misuse.
Pakistan’s utility to the USA, given the pivotal role Pakistan is playing in the Afghan peace process, and it’s good links with the Taliban is undeniable. At the same time, the growing close relations between India and USA has ensured that much of India’s concerns with regard to the US’s Pakistan policy is addressed. Moving forward it is imperative that India must work closely with the US on areas of convergence with regard to Pakistan, especially on terrorism and related issues to ensure that Pakistan takes strict action against terror based on its soil.
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