US policy with Pakistan has frequently alternated between pressuring and offering incentives. What are India’s obstacles and points of agreement with Pakistan on US-Pakistan relations?
Answer: The '2030 roadmap for India-UK future relations' is a joint framework for future relations adopted by both governments as part of a "common vision of a new and transformational comprehensive strategic partnership". The UK India Roadmap 2030 is set out over the following five areas, which wilRead more
Answer: The ‘2030 roadmap for India-UK future relations’ is a joint framework for future relations adopted by both governments as part of a “common vision of a new and transformational comprehensive strategic partnership”. The UK India Roadmap 2030 is set out over the following five areas, which will revitalize the relationship between the two countries:
- Connecting the two countries and their people: By upgrading institutional mechanisms to strengthen avenues for people-to-people connections in education, research and innovation, employment, and culture.
- Trade and prosperity: By creating shared prosperity delivering leadership in global economic governance and unlocking the potential for the dynamic private sectors of India and UK.
- Defense and security: By working together in a strategic partnership to tackle cyber, space, crime, and terrorist threats and develop a free, open and secure Indo-Pacific region.
- Climate: By being committed to building a more environmentally sustainable future achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and mobilizing investment and climate finance.
- Health: By using their combined research and innovation strength to address the biggest global health challenges, save lives, and improve health and well-being. address
Major challenges in India- UK relations:
- Political turmoil in the U.K.: In the space of four months, the country saw three Prime Ministers creating one of the most dramatic and tumultuous years in modern British politics.
- Trade irritants: There has been a mini ‘tariff war’ underway between India and the UK. India proposed a retaliatory additional duty of 15 percent on 22 imported items from the UK, as a response to restrictions imposed by the UK on 15 Indian steel products.
- Not able to finalize the Free Trade Agreement: Issues like the mobility of skilled labor and entrepreneurs challenge the British immigration policy and domestic public opinion whereas reduced tariff on Scotch whiskey continues to haunt the negotiators on both sides.
- The complexities of diaspora politics: Non-aligned interests of British Indians, unlike British Pakistanis who regularly hold lawmakers to account on Pakistani causes. Thus, the immediate prize of British Pakistani votes outweighs the more distant benefits of a stronger partnership with India.
- Not committed to India’s candidature for UNSC: No British UN ambassador has made a statement in support of India on the floor of the UN.
- Extradition of fugitive offenders: The UK has been a go-to place for Indian fugitives and they enjoy their lavish lives evading justice. The reason behind such a brazen lifestyle is the UK investment visa (tier 1), which is commonly known as the “Golden Visa” and the international law principle of “Dual Criminality”.
- Differing views on terrorism and Kashmir: An unsubstantiated report on Kashmir was published by a London-based unit. India has rightly questioned the veracity of the report, calling it overtly prejudiced a way to build a false narrative, and an attempt to violate the sovereignty of India.
As India seeks to carve out a new role for itself in the evolving global order as a leading power’ and the U.K. recalibrates its strategic outlook post-Brexit, this is a unique moment in India-U.K. ties. In an increasingly unstable world threatened by autocratic states with contempt for the rules-based international system, it is more important than ever before that the UK and India support each other and our mutual allies.
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The diplomatic relations between the USA and Pakistan goes back to 1947, the year which gained independence. These relations grew strong on account of cold war politics and USA desperation to have an ally in South Asia to counter Russain Influence. With Russia invading Afghanistan in 1979, PakistanRead more
The diplomatic relations between the USA and Pakistan goes back to 1947, the year which gained independence. These relations grew strong on account of cold war politics and USA desperation to have an ally in South Asia to counter Russain Influence. With Russia invading Afghanistan in 1979, Pakistan became instrumental for the US, which pumped arms and money via Pakistan to train mujahideen. Ever Since the end of the Cold war, US relations with Pakistan has oscillated between incentivizing and pressurizing it through aid and arms
Usa Oscillation Regarding Pakistan
Challenges And Areas Of Convergence For India
After the cold war India relations with the US improved considerably, however lack of a definitive stance on part of the US regarding Pakistan has been a constant source of friction between India and the USA.
Pakistan’s utility to the USA, given the pivotal role Pakistan is playing in the Afghan peace process, and it’s good links with the Taliban is undeniable. At the same time, the growing close relations between India and USA has ensured that much of India’s concerns with regard to the US’s Pakistan policy is addressed. Moving forward it is imperative that India must work closely with the US on areas of convergence with regard to Pakistan, especially on terrorism and related issues to ensure that Pakistan takes strict action against terror based on its soil.
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