How do you interpret each of the following quotes? “What sets a great guy apart from an eminent one is that he is willing to serve society.” B.R. Ambedkar
Kofi Annan was a Ghanaian diplomat who served as the seventh general secretary general of the united nation from 1997 to 2006. Annan likewise played a central role in the creation of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the adoption of the UN's first-ever counter-terrorism strateRead more
Kofi Annan was a Ghanaian diplomat who served as the seventh general secretary general of the united nation from 1997 to 2006. Annan likewise played a central role in the creation of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the adoption of the UN’s first-ever counter-terrorism strategy, and the acceptance by Member States of the “responsibility to protect” people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. His “Global Compact” initiative, launched in 1999, has become the world’s largest effort to promote corporate social responsibility.
One of his famous quote of Annan is “We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race” and it epitomizes peace, zero discrimination , love and many more. Discrimination thoughts come through ignorance and lack of love which would lead to disruption of peace in the society. Discrimination that individuals face on the basis of their age, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
At the heart of all forms of discrimination is prejudice based on concepts of identity, and the need to identify with a certain group. This can lead to division, hatred and even the dehumanization of other people because they have a different identity.
Results found that perceived racial and religious discrimination have unique and differential effects on depression and anxiety. When assessed concurrently, racial discrimination predicted depression and anxiety, religious discrimination predicted anxiety and racial discrimination predicted lower life satisfaction.
Qualitative research suggests that discrimination against minority groups precipitates terrorism in countries. This study adds to this body of research by determining which specific manifestations of minority discrimination—political, socioeconomic or cultural—are important and substantive predictors of terrorist activity. On a cross-national dataset of terrorist attacks and the treatment of minority groups in four specific areas: political participation and representation, economic status, religious and language rights. The results indicate that socioeconomic discrimination against minorities is the only consistently significant and highly substantive predictor of terrorism.
Accepting the difference
Accepting difference means understanding how we are alike, how we are different and treating everyone with respect and understanding regardless of the differences. We must learn to accept the difference , we are born different and that is not our fault, being rich or poor , our religious beliefs ,thought process, gender differences are neither a blessing nor our fault. Our thoughts is not our own, what we see and what we have learned brings thoughts. Our appearance is not due to our skill, somehow organs are placed in the correct position and we have nothing to do with it. How much ever rich we are, death is waiting for us. Whatever is our position after our death we may not be remembered by anyone. We should accept that we are born with nothing and die only with our values.
We must be willing to accept the difference , which will help us to be a better human being and the world become beautiful. If the world turns beautiful there is no need for hatred. Speak against sectarianism and fanaticism, and call for a harmonious coexistence of different faiths.
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This quote by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar highlights the underlying difference between eminent and great people. An eminent person is one who is well known and commands respect in the society owing to his/her proficiency and expertise in his/her field. Eminence can be achieved by excelling in certain fields,Read more
This quote by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar highlights the underlying difference between eminent and great people. An eminent person is one who is well known and commands respect in the society owing to his/her proficiency and expertise in his/her field. Eminence can be achieved by excelling in certain fields, gaining knowledge, or developing breakthrough technology. For example, a scientist who has done a breakthrough research or invention can be referred to as an eminent personality.
However, becoming great is an arduous task. For this, one needs to champion the cause of humanity and be ready to serve the society beyond personal benefits or recognition. A great person need not be a master in his profession, but is virtuous. He/she is the one who devotes himself/herself for the betterment and well-being of others.
The significance and relevance of the quote can be further understood by following examples:
Thus, a great man is ready to serve the society for the greater good of the mankind. He is not concerned about the parochial view of self-benefit. When thoughts of I, me, myself transform to we, us and ours then a person becomesgreat. The civil services also require such people who are willing and able to sacrifice their personal interests for the larger public interests and help steer the society and the country towards a better future.
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