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What role does nanotechnology play in the development of next-generation medical treatments ?
Nanotechnology's ability to manipulate materials at the nanoscale offers significant advancements. Their role in the development of next generation medical treatments include : Theranostics : Nanoparticles can be designed to identify disease markers and deliver therapeutic agents allowing for treatmRead more
Nanotechnology’s ability to manipulate materials at the nanoscale offers significant advancements. Their role in the development of next generation medical treatments include :
What is dehydration and write it's treatment?
Dehydration is a condition when the amount of water is in your body is less that the needed amount for basic bodily functions. It can happen due to too many causes as the availability of water is less like in case of some natural disaster, taking inadequate amount of water like in cases of swellingRead more
Dehydration is a condition when the amount of water is in your body is less that the needed amount for basic bodily functions. It can happen due to too many causes as the availability of water is less like in case of some natural disaster, taking inadequate amount of water like in cases of swelling of throat etc where they are unable to consume water. Other cases are when body can’t utilise the consumed water properly due to renal issues, that is problems in kidneys and excessive loss of water from the body due to diarrhoea or vomiting. In such conditions the prescribed treatments by health care professionals are taking ORS and ORT. ORS means oral rehydration Solution,it’s a method to restore the fluid and electrolytes lost, it’s a very effective method to prevent dehydration in children and adults. ORT means oral rehydration therapy where you are advised to drink a solution of salt, water and electrolytes. Both of these are methods advised for dehydration,which is severe cases can lead to death, especially in children. In conditions of dehydration, your thirst mechanism is triggered by the body, which will initiate the release of ADH, anti diuretic hormone from the kidneys, which helps in preventing the loss of water from the body, to maintain minimum amount of water. This leads to a condition where you feel like the saliva production is less in your orla cavity and you tend to drink water. All these mechanisms are controlled by thirst centre in your brain. Once your thirst is quenched, your brain sends signals to stop drinking water.
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