₹15,000 की धनराशि पर दो वर्ष के लिये साधारण व्याज एवं चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज का अंतर ₹96 है व्याज की वार्षिक दर ज्ञात कीजिये। [उत्तर सीमा 50 शब्द, अंक: 05] [UKPSC-2016]
Mains Answer Writing Latest Questions
In a legislative assembly, the ratio of the members of the ruling party to the members of the opposition party was 7:3. Eighteen members of the ruling party left their party and joined the opposition party making this ratio to ...
एक विधान सभा में सत्ताधारी तथा विपक्षी दल के सदस्यों का अनुपात 7:3 था। सत्ताधारी दल को छोड़कर 18 सदस्य विपक्षी दल में सम्मिलित होने पर वह अनुपात 3:2 हो गया। उस विधान सभा के सदस्यों की कुल संख्या ज्ञात ...
मान लेते हैं सत्ताधारी दल के सदस्यों की संख्या 7x7x 7x और विपक्षी दल के सदस्यों की संख्या 3x3x 3x है। दिए गए अनुसार, जब 18 सदस्य विपक्षी दल में शामिल होते हैं, तो नया अनुपात 3:23:2 3:2 हो जाता है: 7x3x+18=32\frac{7x}{3x + 18} = \frac{3}{2} 3x+187x=23क्रॉस-मल्टिप्लाई करते हैं: 14x=9x+54 ⟹ 5x=54 Read more
मान लेते हैं सत्ताधारी दल के सदस्यों की संख्या
7x और विपक्षी दल के सदस्यों की संख्या
3x है।
दिए गए अनुसार, जब 18 सदस्य विपक्षी दल में शामिल होते हैं, तो नया अनुपात
3:2 हो जाता है:
3x+187x=23क्रॉस-मल्टिप्लाई करते हैं:
14x=9x+54⟹5x=54⟹x=554=10.8अब, सदस्यों की कुल संख्या:
7x+3x=10x=10×10.8=108अतः, विधान सभा के सदस्यों की कुल संख्या 108 है।
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Calculate geometric mean of the numbers 3, 6, 24 and 48. [Answer Limit: 50 words, Marks: 05] [UKPSC-2016]
संख्याओं 3.6.24 और 48 का गुणोत्तर माध्य कीजिये। [उत्तर सीमा 50 शब्द, अंक: 05] [UKPSC-2016]
गुणोत्तर माध्य (Geometric Mean) की गणना करने के लिए दिए गए संख्याओं का गुणनफल निकालकर, उसके वर्गमूल (square root) निकाला जाता है। संख्याएँ: 3, 6, 24, 48 गुणनफल: 3×6×24×48=414723 \times 6 \times 24 \times 48 = 41472 3×6×24×48=41472 गुणोत्तर माध्य: गुणोत्तर माध्य=414724≈12\text{गुणोत्तर माध्य} = \sqrtRead more
गुणोत्तर माध्य (Geometric Mean) की गणना करने के लिए दिए गए संख्याओं का गुणनफल निकालकर, उसके वर्गमूल (square root) निकाला जाता है।
संख्याएँ: 3, 6, 24, 48
गुणोत्तर माध्य:
गुणोत्तर माध्य=441472≈12
अतः, गुणोत्तर माध्य लगभग 12 है।
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Explain Gandhi’s concept of Satyagraha. Do you think that Gandhi adopted it only as a political strategy since India not in a position to fight the mighty British Empire? [Answer Limit: 50 words, Marks: 05] [UKPSC-2016]
Gandhi concept of satyagrah is powerful approach in achieving political changes by non- violence, truth and self suffering. India is imbalance under the British Empire made a non-violence is only option. He belive in transforming changes by social changes. Satyagrah seeks to convert opponent into trRead more
Gandhi concept of satyagrah is powerful approach in achieving political changes by non- violence, truth and self suffering. India is imbalance under the British Empire made a non-violence is only option. He belive in transforming changes by social changes. Satyagrah seeks to convert opponent into truthfulness and moral values through interwined.
In other words, satyagrah was only a matter of principles, not just a practical approach to indians powerless and believed end was interwined it should be long lasting and positive social changes
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गाँधीजी की सत्याग्रह की अवधारणा स्पष्ट कीजिये। क्या आप सोचते हैं कि गाँधीजी ने इसे केवल एक राजनीतिक नीति-कौशल के तौर पर अपनाया, क्योंकि तब भारत अंग्रेजी साम्राज्य की ताकत से टकराने की स्थिति में नहीं था? [उत्तर सीमा 50 ...
Satyagrah - Means that (satya+agrah) truth demands. Gandhiji's thoughts were not revolutionary, he felt that till now, as many uprisings and battles were fought and suppressed, but we should adopt such a path that we can find independence through peaceful means without bloodshed and get at least aRead more
Satyagrah – Means that (satya+agrah) truth demands.
Gandhiji’s thoughts were not revolutionary, he felt that till now, as many uprisings and battles were fought and suppressed, but we should adopt such a path that we can find independence through peaceful means without bloodshed and get at least a little self-reliance. In 1917 Gandhi said ” give me 1 yr I will give you Independence ‘
Because Gandhi did not think that people still do not understand the definition of Satyagraha.
But later some such incidents happened for example, Jallianawala Bagh massacre. Gandhi stopped the non-cooperation for some time but after a few years he started the civil disobedience movement again in 1930s. When Gandhi ousted the Ottoman Caliph from the throne, he supported the Caliphate movement to gain Muslim support, and the Muslim Satyagraha did not receive this absolute support.
1) champaran satyagrah 1917
2) salt march
3) against rowllat acts 1919
4) Ahmadabad movement strike 1918
5) Quite movement 1942
What is importance of rules and regulations for good governance? [Answer Limit: 50 words, Marks: 05] [UKPSC-2016]
Rule and regulations are important for good governance az they established clear standard, promote transparency, prevent abuse of power, protect right, facilitate accountability, support economic growth and promote stability and security. Effective rules and number of benefits including improved betRead more
Rule and regulations are important for good governance az they established clear standard, promote transparency, prevent abuse of power, protect right, facilitate accountability, support economic growth and promote stability and security. Effective rules and number of benefits including improved better decision maing, enchance public service, improved accountability, increase transparency, stronger institutions, economic growth and economic stability.
The rule and regulations must be clear and concise, accessible and understandable, flexible and adaptable, monitoring and enforcement and rule inclined with public interest. The implement rule and regulations can be challenges due to lack of public awareness, political interference, complexity and abuse.
To overcome these challenges best effective practice are capacity building, transparency and communication, regular updates, effective enforcement, monitering and evaluation. By adapting these practice the government can ensure effective, efficient and contribute to good governance.
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सुशासन के लिये नियम और कानून का क्या महत्व है? [उत्तर सीमा 50 शब्द, अंक: 05] [UKPSC-2016]
सुशासन के लिए नियम और कानून का महत्व अत्यधिक है क्योंकि ये सामाजिक व्यवस्था, न्याय और समानता को सुनिश्चित करते हैं। ये नागरिकों के अधिकारों की रक्षा करते हैं, भ्रष्टाचार को नियंत्रित करते हैं, और पारदर्शिता को बढ़ावा देते हैं। इसके परिणामस्वरूप, समाज में स्थिरता और विकास की संभावनाएँ बढ़ती हैं।
सुशासन के लिए नियम और कानून का महत्व अत्यधिक है क्योंकि ये सामाजिक व्यवस्था, न्याय और समानता को सुनिश्चित करते हैं। ये नागरिकों के अधिकारों की रक्षा करते हैं, भ्रष्टाचार को नियंत्रित करते हैं, और पारदर्शिता को बढ़ावा देते हैं। इसके परिणामस्वरूप, समाज में स्थिरता और विकास की संभावनाएँ बढ़ती हैं।
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What is ‘Attitude? Explain changes in Attitude. Answer Limit: 50 words [Answer Limit: 50 words, Marks: 05] [UKPSC-2016]
Attitude is the part of person nature. The attitude evaluating a particular entity with some favor or disfavor another person. It shows feeling, belief and behavioral intentions toward people. Attitude is influenced by personal experience or social norms which can be positive, negative and netural tRead more
Attitude is the part of person nature. The attitude evaluating a particular entity with some favor or disfavor another person. It shows feeling, belief and behavioral intentions toward people. Attitude is influenced by personal experience or social norms which can be positive, negative and netural toward other person.
Changes in attitude
Social influence
Attitude can be change due to influence of person, family or societal pressures. Conformity often leads to changes in personal beliefs.
Cognitive dissonance
There is inconsistency Between attitude and action of individual may change their attitude to align with their behavior.
Exposure to new information or argument can lead to attitude change by communication through media, interpersonal interactions.
Experimental learning
Personal experience can lead to changes in attitude, when person are exposed to nee challenge in existing belief.
साधारण व्याज (SI) और चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज (CI) का अंतर दो वर्षों के लिए: CI−SI=P×(r100)2\text{CI} - \text{SI} = P \times \left( \frac{r}{100} \right)^2 CI−SI=P×(100r)2 जहाँ P=15000P = 15000 P=15000 और अंतर = ₹96 है। 96=15000×(r100)296 = 15000 \times \left( \frac{r}{100} \right)^2 96=15000×(100r)2 (r10Read more
साधारण व्याज (SI) और चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज (CI) का अंतर दो वर्षों के लिए:
P=15000 और अंतर = ₹96 है।
अतः, व्याज की वार्षिक दर 8% है।
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