Chronic underinvestment has hurt Indian Railways, negatively affecting important facets of its business. Talk about the difficulties the railroads have in building infrastructure quickly in this scenario. Mention the government’s actions taken in this respect as well.
In the last few decades, there has been considerable underinvestment in rail infrastructure, thereby reducing the efforts required to expand, strengthen and modernize the Indian Railways. Further, the investment has been insufficient for introducing technological improvements, improving safety aspects and meeting the demands of both freight and passenger customers.
Challenges in speedy creation of rail infrastructure include
Faced with the above challenges, a number of steps have been taken up by the government, including
In addition, the need of the hour is to bring administrative reforms in Railways, introduction of new-age technology, prioritization of projects and their tim- bound execution and outcome-oriented action, privatization of some of the operations of the Indian Railways as suggested by the Bibek Debroy Committee etc.