Examine the significance of the Constitution’s Article 21 Rights to Life and Personal Liberty. Examine how the judiciary has expanded this right to cover other facets of due process, privacy, and human dignity, as well as the difficulties in putting these rights into practice.
Importance of the Right to Life and Personal Liberty Under Article 21 of the Constitution
Article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Life and Personal Liberty, stating that “No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.” This right is fundamental to the preservation of human dignity and is a cornerstone of individual freedoms in India.
Importance of Article 21
Judicial Expansion of Article 21
Challenges in Implementation
The Right to Life and Personal Liberty under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution is a fundamental and expansive right, pivotal for safeguarding human dignity and personal freedom. The judiciary’s proactive role in expanding this right has been instrumental in addressing various aspects of human dignity, privacy, and due process. However, challenges in implementation—stemming from legal, administrative, economic, and social factors—must be addressed to ensure that the right is effectively realized for all individuals. Continuous efforts are needed to bridge the gap between constitutional promises and practical realities, thereby reinforcing the fundamental right to life and personal liberty.