Do you think that India has a small demographic window to accomplish its socioeconomic goals because of dropping fertility rates? What areas of policy should be prioritized in order to benefit from the demographic dividend going forward? (Answer in 250 words)
As per the National Family Health Survey-5, India’s Total Fertility Rate (TFR) has declined from 2.2 in 2015-16 to 2.0 in 2019-21. With falling fertility, rising median age (from 24 years in 2011 to 29 years currently which is expected to be 36 years by 2036), and a falling dependency ratio (expected to decrease from 65% to 54% in the coming decade), India is in the middle of a demographic transition. With this, India will have a nano demographic window in the two decades of 2020 to 2040, to achieve the socio-economic objectives as follows:
However, without adequate policies, the nano demographic window may lead to rising unemployment, thereby fuelling economic and social risks. Further, with the passage of time, the share of the older population will rise and that of the working age population will begin to fall. To address these challenges and to gain from the nano demographic window, India needs to take various measures, such as:
Such comprehensive measures will help India not only to capitalise on the nano demographic window for becoming a developed country, but also to lay a solid foundation for the generation that will enter the demographic divided window.