Roadmap for Answer Writing
1. Introduction
- Define the concepts of consciousness and conscience.
- State their importance in making ethical decisions.
2. Role of Consciousness and Conscience
- Consciousness: Awareness of one’s environment and circumstances.
- Conscience: Internal moral compass guiding right and wrong actions.
3. Examples Illustrating the Concepts
- Healthcare Professionals
- Example: Doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic making tough decisions on resource allocation.
- Fact: Ethical dilemmas faced by doctors highlighted in The Lancet.
- Civil Servants
- Example: Balancing public versus personal interest in policy-making.
- Fact: Ethical challenges faced by civil servants discussed in Public Administration Review.
- Journalism
- Example: Journalists ensuring accuracy and fairness in reporting despite external pressures.
- Fact: Ethical standards in journalism emphasized in Journalism Ethics.
- Sports Ethics
- Example: Athletes refraining from performance-enhancing drugs despite pressure to win.
- Fact: Issues surrounding sports ethics covered in International Journal of Sports Medicine.
4. Conclusion
- Summarize the importance of combining consciousness and conscience for ethical decision-making.
Model Answer
To make ethical decisions, it is essential to possess both awareness (consciousness) and an internal moral compass (conscience). While consciousness enables individuals to recognize their environment and situations, conscience guides them in acting according to what is morally right or wrong.
Examples of Consciousness and Conscience in Action
In conclusion, consciousness and conscience together play a vital role in ethical decision-making. By fostering both awareness and a moral sense, individuals can navigate complex ethical dilemmas more effectively, ensuring their actions align with societal values and personal ethics.