Roadmap for Answer Writing
1. Introduction
- Briefly define the Indo-Pacific and explain the shift from Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific to highlight its geopolitical importance.
- Mention the Bay of Bengal as a critical link in this framework and introduce BIMSTEC as a key regional organization.
2. Strategic Importance of the Bay of Bengal
- Regional Connectivity: Discuss its role as a bridge between South and Southeast Asia.
- Economic Significance: Highlight its trade potential and underutilization.
- Energy Resources: Mention its vast reserves and renewable energy capacity.
3. Role of BIMSTEC in Regional Cooperation
- Trade and Connectivity: Focus on initiatives for infrastructure and Free Trade Agreements.
- Energy Cooperation: Discuss collaborative energy projects, including renewables.
4. Role of BIMSTEC in Promoting Stability
- Security Measures: Address terrorism, human trafficking, and IUU fishing.
- Maritime Security: Explain its role in ensuring navigation freedom.
- Disaster Management: Highlight coordinated efforts for disaster response and mitigation.
5. Challenges and Way Forward
- Discuss challenges such as slow implementation of projects, lack of coordination, and geopolitical rivalries.
- Propose solutions like focusing on 3Cs: Complementarities, Connectivity, and Coordination.
6. Conclusion
- Reiterate the importance of the Bay of Bengal and BIMSTEC in ensuring a stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific.
Relevant Facts
Bay of Bengal’s Strategic Significance
- Regional Connectivity:
- Hosts 23% of the world’s population but remains one of the least integrated regions.
- Economic Potential:
- Intra-BIMSTEC trade is USD 40 billion, far below the potential of USD 250 billion.
- Free Trade Agreement pending for 18 years.
- Energy Resources:
- Renewable energy potential of 1,359 GW; significant reserves of coal, oil, and gas.
BIMSTEC’s Role in Stability
- Addressing Terrorism:
- Member countries rank high in the Global Terrorism Index, indicating vulnerability to threats.
- Maritime Security:
- Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing in the Palk Strait impacts India-Sri Lanka relations.
- Disaster Management:
- Between 1891 and 2018, 41 severe cyclonic storms occurred in the Bay of Bengal.
- From 1996 to 2015, 317,000 deaths and 16 million displacements due to natural disasters.
Challenges and Way Forward
- Slow progress in infrastructure projects and FTA negotiations.
- Geopolitical rivalries involving China, India, and others in the Indo-Pacific.
- Emphasize BIMSTEC’s 3Cs for effective regional integration.
Model Answer
The transition from the “Asia-Pacific” to the “Indo-Pacific” framework highlights the evolving geopolitical landscape, emphasizing the strategic significance of the Bay of Bengal. This shift has positioned BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) as a critical mechanism for fostering regional integration and addressing shared challenges in the broader Indo-Pacific region.
Strategic Significance of the Bay of Bengal
Role of BIMSTEC in Promoting Stability
BIMSTEC’s relevance in the Indo-Pacific framework hinges on adopting the “3Cs” approach: Complementarities with ASEAN initiatives, enhanced Connectivity through sub-regional economic corridors, and better Coordination among member states. Strengthening BIMSTEC will be pivotal in addressing regional challenges and ensuring sustainable growth and stability.