You’ve recently been named the District Magistrate of a region famous for its abundant mineral resources. After hearing reports in the media about illegal mining activities in your area, you’ve launched an investigation. Upon learning about your investigation, the state’s Minister of Mines and Minerals instructs you to identify and blame lower-level government officials for the illegal activities, making them the primary targets. He also mentions that the upcoming State Assembly elections are near, and the current government is keen on avoiding any allegations of political corruption. This minister holds significant power within the government and there’s a strong possibility that his party will be re-elected. As the investigation progresses, you discover that the minister himself is also engaged in illegal mining activities through his associates. The results of the investigation could influence the election results and potentially ruin your career if the ruling party is re-elected, which appears to be a likely scenario based on the polls.
(a) Identify the stakeholders and the ethical issues in the given case.
(b) Critically evaluate the options available in the scenario and decide on your course of action, providing reasons.
Answer: The above case-study reflects the situation often seen in mineral rich states, where political corruption has historically remained high and officers are threatened, and made scapegoats in order to save the culprits.
(A) Stakeholders involved in the given case:
Ethical issues in the given case:
(B) As District Magistrate, I have the following options: Going ahead with the probe and naming the Minister in report:
✓ This will fulfil the welfare agenda and establish the rule of law, which abhors corruption. ✓ Protects the innocent government employee. ✓ Strong signal to the future Ministers as well, thus protecting the natural resources of the district.
✔ May tarnish the image of the ruling party and lead to a loss in upcoming elections. ✓ It can lead to the DM’s transfer or suspension on false charges.
Protecting the minister by naming a junior government employee:
✔ It will be a win-win situation for both the DM and the Minister as the Minister will help the DM in his career growth if the party comes into power.
✔ Punishing the innocent is a violation of justice. ✓ It leads to an erosion of ethical standards in discharging public service for the personal gains of the DM. ✔ It misguides the public trust, which is the core driving factor for the bureaucracy.
Taking issue to the Chief Minister of the State:
✓ This will ensure that the hierarchy is respected. ✓ This may lead to at least political action against the concerned Minister.
✓ The CM may put pressure on the DM to follow the Minister’s orders in order to protect the government’s image, which may help the return the party to power.
(b) Considering the available options, an option which involves naming the Minister in the report, will be the best course of action. The reason being:
Just as it generally happens in the case of exposing illegal mining in India, civil servants should uphold the ethical standards and should keep personal benefits at bay when it comes to discharging their duties.