Roadmap for Answer Writing
1. Introduction
- Briefly introduce the concept of civil service accountability in India.
- Mention the dual responsibility of civil servants to both the political executive (government) and the public.
2. Analysis of Dual Accountability
- Accountability to the Political Executive:
- Explain the hierarchical structure within which civil servants operate.
- Discuss their responsibility to implement government policies effectively.
- Mention the ministerial responsibility for civil servant actions.
- Accountability to the Public:
- Discuss civil servants’ role in serving citizens and ensuring welfare.
- Introduce public scrutiny mechanisms like RTI and social audits.
3. Mechanisms Ensuring Accountability
- Internal Mechanisms:
- Discuss performance evaluations, disciplinary actions, and the role of ministers.
- Mention parliamentary oversight and the requirement for civil servants to appear before committees.
- External Mechanisms:
- RTI Act: Allows citizens to access information, ensuring transparency.
- Social Audits: Encourages public participation in government monitoring.
- Grievance Redressal Systems: CPGRAMS and other platforms for citizens to file complaints.
- Vigilance Bodies: Role of CVC, CBI, and Lokpal in curbing corruption.
4. Conclusion
- Summarize how the dual accountability ensures civil servants’ responsiveness and integrity.
- Stress the importance of mechanisms in maintaining transparency and efficiency.
Relevant Facts for the Answer
- Civil Servants’ Accountability to Political Executive:
- Civil servants work under a hierarchical system and report to higher officials, ensuring policy execution.
- Ministers are accountable for the actions of civil servants in their departments (source: Government of India).
- Civil Servants’ Accountability to Public:
- RTI Act, 2005: Provides citizens with the right to request information from public authorities, promoting transparency (source: Ministry of Personnel, Government of India).
- Social Audits and CPGRAMS: Public participation in audits and grievance redressal ensures responsiveness and efficiency (source: Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances).
- Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bodies: CVC and CBI ensure ethical conduct and investigate corruption within civil services (source: CVC, CBI).
This structured approach will help in covering all aspects of civil servants’ dual accountability in India, while highlighting the existing mechanisms for ensuring accountability.
- Civil Servants’ Accountability to Political Executive:
Model Answer
Dual Accountability of Civil Servants in India
In India, civil servants are accountable to both the political executive and the public. The dual nature of their accountability ensures a balance between following political direction and serving citizens’ interests.
Accountability to the Political Executive:
Accountability to the Public:
Civil servants in India are subject to both political and public accountability, with mechanisms such as RTI, social audits, and vigilance bodies ensuring they meet their responsibilities. This dual accountability is vital for effective governance and maintaining public trust.