A landslide occurred in the middle of the night on 20th July, 2023 in a remote mountain hamlet, approximately 60 kilometres from Uttarkashi. The landslide was caused by torrential rains and has resulted in large-scale destruction of property and life. You, as District Magistrate of that area, have rushed to the spot with a team of doctors, NGOs, media and police along with numerous support staff to oversee the rescue operations. A man came running to you with a request for urgent medical help for his pregnant wife who is in labour and is losing blood. You directed your medical team to examine his wife. They return and convey to you that this woman needs blood transfusion immediately. Upon enquiry, you come to know that a few blood collection bags and blood group test kits are available in the ambulance accompanying your team. Few people of your team have already volunteered to donate blood. Being a physician who has graduated from AIIMS, you know that blood for transfusion needs to be procured only through a recognized blood bank. Your team members are divided on this issue; some favour transfusion, while some others oppose it. The doctors in the team are ready to facilitate the delivery provided they are not penalized for transfusion. Now you are in a dilemma. Your professional training emphasizes on prioritising service to humanity and saving lives of individuals. (250 words) [UPSC 2023]
a. What are the ethical issues involved in this case?
b. Evaluate the options available to you, being District Magistrate of the area.
Model Answer
The case of a pregnant woman in need of a blood transfusion during a landslide crisis presents significant ethical challenges. As the District Magistrate, I must navigate the tension between humanitarian imperatives and established medical protocols.
a. Ethical Issues Involved
b. Evaluating Available Options
Option 1: Proceed with Immediate Blood Transfusion
Option 2: Seek Blood from a Recognized Blood Bank
Appropriate Action
In navigating this ethical complexity, the imperative is to prioritize the greater good while ensuring safety and accountability. Balancing immediate humanitarian needs with legal and ethical standards is crucial in making a decision that aligns with both professional integrity and moral duty.
Ethical Issues and Evaluation of Options
a. Ethical Issues Involved
b. Evaluation of Options
Recommended Course of Action: Given the situation, the best course of action would be to facilitate the delivery without performing the transfusion until properly tested blood can be obtained. The urgency of the situation must be balanced with adherence to medical standards and safety protocols. Coordinate with nearby hospitals or emergency services to procure verified blood as quickly as possible. Simultaneously, provide immediate care and stabilize the patient to mitigate health risks.
Recent Example: During the 2021 Uttarakhand floods, emergency response teams faced similar dilemmas where immediate action had to be balanced with adherence to safety protocols. The approach often involved prioritizing stabilizing patients and ensuring timely, but safe, intervention.
In summary, while the immediate need for blood is critical, adhering to medical protocols ensures patient safety and avoids legal repercussions. Facilitating the delivery and stabilizing the patient while arranging for properly tested blood would be the most ethical and effective approach.