Education systems face challenges like inequality, outdated curricula, teacher shortages, technological disparities, and a lack of focus on mental well-being. Many students lack access to quality education, while traditional teaching methods fail to equip them with essential modern skills like critical thinking and digital literacy. The global teacher shortage exacerbates these issues, as many educators are under-resourced and lack professional development.
To reimagine education, we must prioritize equity and inclusion, ensuring all students have access to education regardless of background. Curricula should be reformed to focus on skills-based, interdisciplinary learning, and teacher empowerment should be a priority through better training and support. Bridging the digital divide is essential, using technology to create personalized learning experiences.
Additionally, education systems should integrate mental health support, emphasize personalized learning over standardized testing, and foster global citizenship. Education should also promote lifelong learning, encouraging continuous skill development in response to evolving job markets.
By adopting these strategies, we can create an education system that prepares students not just for work, but for life, enabling them to thrive in a complex, rapidly changing world.
The Education system in India, at present is working on the hit or miss tactic. With numerous schools in every corner of the society we often feel that the education, literacy is growing day by day whereas this is just a facade.
There have been an introduction of numerous policies to enhance the cognitive thinking as well as skill development of students. The reality lies far from this. In today’s time, the policy makers, the teaching staff and even the students, all tolerate the ‘education’ for a secure job, a good shelter, food and clothing. With the introduction of so many boards, the state boards, CBSE, ICSE, ISC, NIOS, Cambridge curiiculum, Indians feel that that the education system is just growing more and more but you can always know how much it grew when you go to the nearest prestigious school or college and ask a student to pronounce education or ask the easiest question possible. They are blank. Thay are not able to answer anything that comes outside their particular course book because that is what they need to pass the exams.
Education is not only a right but the most beautiful and dignified possession in the world. And this possession is being toyed around nowadays for some grades. The fault lies in all the sections of society.
The Policy Makers feel that their job at improving the education system ends with the documentation of policies. Each and every minister knows that the officials are bribed when they present an all good report of the functioning of institutes. But no action is taken until a casualty takes place.
As we know that the New Education Policy 2020 (NEP2020) focused primarily on easing out the educational processes and making skill learning a compulsory part of the curriculum. But the question that rises here is, that even after four years of the release of the policy, was it able to actually help or improve any student? Is it actually being followed correctly or not. And most importantly do the students even know what this actually is or how it is beneficial to them. In some schools and colleges even the teachers do not know what NEP 2020 promises and demands.
The parents are most at fault when it comes to not letting the child get the actual education he/she needs. We have often seen parents pressuring their kids to take up a certain career because it will help find them job easily. Th child often has to leave behind his/her choices because according to their parents it will bring shame to the society. This pressurising in the long run leads to discontentment, depression and most of the times suicides.
Parents for the sake of becoming famous or bigger in the society are seen compelling their kids to get higher positions, full grades and participate in arenas that they take no interest in.The Education system in India, at present is working on the hit or miss tactic. With numerous schools in every corner of the society we often feel that the education, literacy is growing day by day whereas this is just a facade.
There have been an introduction of numerous policies to enhance the cognitive thinking as well as skill development of students. The reality lies far from this. In today’s time, the policy makers, the teaching staff and even the students, all tolerate the ‘education’ for a secure job, a good shelter, food and clothing. With the introduction of so many boards, the state boards, CBSE, ICSE, ISC, NIOS, Cambridge curiiculum, Indians feel that that the education system is just growing more and more but you can always know how much it grew when you go to the nearest prestigious school or college and ask a student to pronounce education or ask the easiest question possible. They are blank. Thay are not able to answer anything that comes outside their particular course book because that is what they need to pass the exams.
Education is not only a right but the most beautiful and dignified possession in the world. And this possession is being toyed around nowadays for some grades. The fault lies in all the sections of society.
The Policy Makers feel that their job at improving the education system ends with the documentation of policies. Each and every minister knows that the officials are bribed when they present an all good report of the functioning of institutes. But no action is taken until a casualty takes place.
As we know that the New Education Policy 2020 (NEP2020) focused primarily on easing out the educational processes and making skill learning a compulsory part of the curriculum. But the question that rises here is, that even after four years of the release of the policy, was it able to actually help or improve any student? Is it actually being followed correctly or not. And most importantly do the students even know what this actually is or how it is beneficial to them. In some schools and colleges even the teachers do not know what NEP 2020 promises and demands.
The parents are most at fault when it comes to not letting the child get the actual education he/she needs. We have often seen parents pressuring their kids to take up a certain career because it will help find them job easily. Th child often has to leave behind his/her choices because according to their parents it will bring shame to the society. This pressurising in the long run leads to discontentment, depression and most of the times suicides.
Parents for the sake of becoming famous or bigger in the society are seen compelling their kids to get higher positions, full grades and participate in arenas that they take no interest in.
With the fast growing technology, we see mobile phones, ipad, tablets in the hands of every teenager but it is near to impossible to find one child with a book in their hand. The fast growing gaming platforms, social media, influencers web it is impossible for a child to stay away from its traps. And moreover with the negligence md incapability of the teaching staff more than 50% of students study from free online sources like YouTube, byju’s, telegram,etc.
Nowadays we often see students studying just for the sake of being promoted to the next class. There is no thrive to become better or to acknowledge the importance of righteous education.
In utmost honesty, the future of education system is in shambles. With teachers coming to school for attendance and payment, policy makers earning money through bribes and students neglecting the need of education it is difficult to say if we will have be have a board full of scientists, astronauts, honest officers, doctors or any other professional service men.
The future of education system can be improved when-
The officials need to put some serious and actual work rules which involves the development of child, society as well as nation. The inspection department needs to be made strong. There should be some secret agents reporting the wrongs to the higher officials. Any malpractices or negligence in this matter should be dismissed.
The students from the primary age should be given to learn atleast one hobby or skill without any force and by their own choice. It should be made sure that they were not forced by their parents too.
The teachers should do what they are actually hired for, that is, to teach. Not just make the students learn or read out the textbooks but actually teach them. In a country where more than half of the students does not know the difference between a theory and a fact means that the students are just plainly reading and learning line by line without the care of what is taught.
“Be the change that you want to see in the society”
The students should believe in the said quote and start acknowledging their studies and studying for growth and development and not just for grades. They too must try and develop a skill or hobby. Students should be made to realise that they are the future of country and they must do something for it. They must try to know more and more about the theories and facts that they read and not just be confined to their textbooks.
Education system in our country has undergone many changes over the years. There are several things that has been changed and things that are needed to be changed in the system.
One of the hurdle of our education system is the rigid process of choose one’s career. Young in age as young as 15-16 are forced to choose a career path which they will have to continue with rest of their life. Which might seem like it helps them to develop a commitment but often these decisions are taken because of exterior pressure rather than one’s own interest (if the child has found one already). Due to this reason, some might find their field frustrating and unable to do anything about it.
Even talking about the student before age of 15 there is so much pressure of performance. As much as I believe that a child should be rewarded for the good performance academically, but also the same puts immense pressure on the child to perform better. This however, is not the issue. The issue lies with the administration of school. We often see teachers treating the children unequally on basis of their marks not only inside the classroom but Also outside. This creates a sense of inferiority in children even at a young age which leads to difficulties in future.
These are just two of many issues that are in our education system