Mains Answer Writing Latest Questions
Here's a more precise question based on your interest in the achievements of Indians: **Question:** "What are some of the significant achievements of Indians in various fields such as science, technology, literature, and arts? Provide examples of at least two notable individuals and their contributions in each field."
There has been immense contribution of the Indians in the field of science, technology, art and literature. From perceiving life in plant to composing Gitanjali, Indians have continued to contribute the finest of the works.
Two examples of such contributions are Mr.Satyendranath Bose, who simultaneously worked with Einstein to discover the Boson particle and Oscar winner Mr. Satyajit Ray, who is well known for creating notable films ever and inspiring Stephen Spielberg to make E.T.
There has been immense contribution of the Indians in the field of science, technology, art and literature. From perceiving life in plant to composing Gitanjali, Indians have continued to contribute the finest of the works.
Two examples of such contributions are Mr.Satyendranath Bose, who simultaneously worked with Einstein to discover the Boson particle and Oscar winner Mr. Satyajit Ray, who is well known for creating notable films ever and inspiring Stephen Spielberg to make E.T.