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If you were to choose one piece of fiction you can spend rest of your life with, what would that be?
If there's any book I can't get over after reading it's "Harry Potter" by J.K Rowling and I'll definitely spend the rest of my life reading it over and over again. Seeing the struggles of Harry and his will to overcome every challenges that comes his way even when he was little. The use of MagicRead more
If there’s any book I can’t get over after reading it’s “Harry Potter” by J.K Rowling and I’ll definitely spend the rest of my life reading it over and over again.
Seeing the struggles of Harry and his will to overcome every challenges that comes his way even when he was little. The use of Magic makes the novel more interesting by making a picture of death more interesting in that when an individual dies in Hogwarts his or her spirit still roam, talks and do what human can do and the use of them being use as a portrait makes it more fun.
Also, the gift of friends is more emphasized. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are a gift that Harry won’t trade even if they fought they still made up.
The use of flying broom during quidditch practices or the real tournament is an imaginative depiction that is well described by the author to help readers to build their brain.
Additionally, the use of horcruxes that tells there are different sacrifices to take in order to achieve a particular goals. This can be seen in how Voldemort is afraid to die and kept his lives in seven different object in that if one is destroyed he still has 6 lives to depend on and continuously like that. Unknown, to him of the mission of Dumblore who was searching for the horcruxes in order to finally defeat him and each series shows different Battles faced by Harry, Hogwarts and people involved in Magic.
Harry Potter is a must read book for starter who aren’t interested in reading, you’ll be glad you did