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State the ill-effects of corruption.
Corruption has many harmful effects on societies, economies, and governments. It undermines development and harms citizens in multiple ways. Here are some of the major ill-effects: 1. Economic Damage Hinders Growth: Corruption leads to misallocation of resources. Public funds that should be used forRead more
Corruption has many harmful effects on societies, economies, and governments. It undermines development and harms citizens in multiple ways. Here are some of the major ill-effects:
1. Economic Damage
2. Undermines Trust in Institutions
3. Social Inequality
4. Encourages Criminal Activity
In summary, corruption harms every level of society—economically, socially, and politically. Addressing corruption is crucial for sustainable development and a healthy society, as the UNODC emphasizes.
See lessविवेकानंद के 'सार्वभौमिक धर्म' की प्रमुख विशेषताएँ बताइए ।
विवेकानंद के 'सार्वभौमिक धर्म' की प्रमुख विशेषताएँ विवेकानंद का सार्वभौमिक धर्म सभी धर्मों की अच्छाइयों को अपनाकर, मानवता के कल्याण के लिए मार्गदर्शन प्रदान करता है। 1. विविधता में एकता विवेकानंद ने सभी धर्मों को एक ही सत्य के विभिन्न रूप कहा। वे मानते थे कि हर धर्म एक ही सत्य तक पहुँचने के अलग-अलगRead more
विवेकानंद के ‘सार्वभौमिक धर्म’ की प्रमुख विशेषताएँ
विवेकानंद का सार्वभौमिक धर्म सभी धर्मों की अच्छाइयों को अपनाकर, मानवता के कल्याण के लिए मार्गदर्शन प्रदान करता है।
1. विविधता में एकता
विवेकानंद ने सभी धर्मों को एक ही सत्य के विभिन्न रूप कहा। वे मानते थे कि हर धर्म एक ही सत्य तक पहुँचने के अलग-अलग रास्ते हैं।
2. सहिष्णुता और समावेशिता
उनके सार्वभौमिक धर्म का मूल मंत्र सहिष्णुता और समावेशिता है। वे धर्म परिवर्तन की जगह सम्मान और संवाद पर जोर देते थे।
3. व्यवहारिक अध्यात्म
उनका मानना था कि धर्म केवल पूजा-पाठ तक सीमित नहीं होना चाहिए; उसे समाज की भलाई में भी उपयोग करना चाहिए। उदाहरण: गरीबों और जरूरतमंदों की सेवा।
4. व्यक्तिगत सशक्तिकरण
विवेकानंद ने हर व्यक्ति में आत्म-विश्वास और आत्म-ज्ञान का महत्व बताया।
उनका यह दृष्टिकोण सभी धर्मों के बीच एकता और सहअस्तित्व को प्रोत्साहित करता है।
See lessCan the Eightfold Path' of Buddha be the ethical guide for civil servants? Comment.
Can the Eightfold Path be the Ethical Guide for Civil Servants? The Buddha's Eightfold Path offers a valuable ethical framework for civil servants, promoting compassion, integrity, and purpose. 1. Right Speech Civil servants should communicate truthfully and constructively, avoiding harmful or misleRead more
Can the Eightfold Path be the Ethical Guide for Civil Servants?
The Buddha’s Eightfold Path offers a valuable ethical framework for civil servants, promoting compassion, integrity, and purpose.
1. Right Speech
Civil servants should communicate truthfully and constructively, avoiding harmful or misleading speech. For example, they can maintain public trust by being transparent in their communications.
2. Right Action
Actions should avoid harm, reflecting the ethics of honesty and respect. Civil servants can practice this by ensuring policies do not unfairly disadvantage any group.
3. Right Livelihood
Public service roles should focus on public welfare, promoting justice and equity. For instance, working in roles that protect community resources aligns with this ideal.
The Eightfold Path helps civil servants prioritize ethical choices, contributing to a just and trustworthy government.
See lessDiscuss the main components of emotional intelligence.
Main Components of Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence (EQ) includes five key elements that enhance personal and professional relationships: Self-Awareness Recognizing your emotions and how they affect you. Example: Pausing to understand frustration before reacting. Self-Regulation ManaginRead more
Main Components of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EQ) includes five key elements that enhance personal and professional relationships:
These skills build effective leadership by promoting understanding and cooperative teamwork.
See lessBy explaining the characteristics of stereotypes, discuss the reasons for their development in Indian society.
Understanding Stereotypes in Indian Society Characteristics of Stereotypes: Stereotypes are oversimplified beliefs about a group of people. These generalized perceptions are often inaccurate and fail to account for individual differences. Common stereotypes in India include ideas such as all IndiansRead more
Understanding Stereotypes in Indian Society
Characteristics of Stereotypes: Stereotypes are oversimplified beliefs about a group of people. These generalized perceptions are often inaccurate and fail to account for individual differences. Common stereotypes in India include ideas such as all Indians are poor or that they only eat curry. These beliefs overlook the vast diversity within the country, both in terms of culture and economic status.