Karl Marx (1818-1883) a German philosopher, economic determinst and a revolutionary born in Rhine province of Prussia, Germany. Marx was a revolutionary and also considered as radical which pressed him to leave Germany and he went to England later. EDUCATION AND FAMOUS WORK OF MARX:- Doctorate fromRead more
- Karl Marx (1818-1883) a German philosopher, economic determinst and a revolutionary born in Rhine province of Prussia, Germany.
- Marx was a revolutionary and also considered as radical which pressed him to leave Germany and he went to England later.
- Doctorate from University of Jena 1841
- ‘Communist Manifesto’ in collaboration with Friedrich Engles. (1848)
- Das Kapital
- Theory of historical materialism
Main Idea
Origin of class
- Humans fulfill their basic needs by their unique ability to produce which is called material production.
- It lead to origin of classes:-
1.Dominant (who owns)
2. Dominated (who do not own)
What is capitalism?
- Capitalism is the process of production with the help of fixed capital (raw material, tools, machines, and factories) and variable capital (human labour) not for the purpose of consumption but for profit.
Theory of Surplus Value
- It is the difference between labour and labour power.
Theory of Alienation
- The ability to produce under capitalism becomes a commodity in which labor power is sold to capitalist for wages.
- Types of Alienation:-
- Product of work
- Activity of Production
- Distinct Potential
- From one another
Theory of class struggle
- “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle” -Karl Marx
- Types of classes in each society:-
- Capitalist society
- Worker
- Owner
- Feudal Society
- Lord
- Serf
- Slave Society
- Master
- Slave
It’s relevance
- Prediction of globalization
- Rising Inequality
- “Poverty in the midst of Plenty”
“The proletarians have nothing to loose but their chains. They have a world to win.”- The Communist Manifesto.
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Marxism's alienation theory posits that capitalism disconnects individuals from their humanity, creative labor and fellow beings resulting in four types of alienation i.e. from labor, product, others and human potential, stifling self realization and freedom. Key aspects of Alienation - In Marx's alRead more
Marxism’s alienation theory posits that capitalism disconnects individuals from their humanity, creative labor and fellow beings resulting in four types of alienation i.e. from labor, product, others and human potential, stifling self realization and freedom.
Key aspects of Alienation –
Karl Marx’s alienation theory still holds truth today. Modern issues like gig work, social media and automation continue to disconnect people from their creativity, community and true potential, fueling feelings of isolation and disempowerment.