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How do globalization and environmental changes lead to biodiversity loss?
With growing technology all over the world which has lead to globalisation , it came at the cost of climate change. In recent years it has became an expensive deal to manage biodiversity losses through sustainable practices. Reasons that lead to biodiversity loss due to globalization and environmenRead more
With growing technology all over the world which has lead to globalisation , it came at the cost of climate change. In recent years it has became an expensive deal to manage biodiversity losses through sustainable practices.
Reasons that lead to biodiversity loss due to globalization and environmental change
With advent of new technologies from telegraph, telephones, emails to meassaging applications connectivity all around the world got increased which gave a boost to economy through trade.
In today’s generation social media and news channels are very much active as within seconds we can know about any corner of the world with help of satellites.
Globalization has evolved through out the years but in the hoard of profits and making money people ignored the harmful impact we are creating to the environment.
2. Environment losses
To increase connectivity and trade through technology, human started exploiting the natural resources for their benefit.
Clearing forests for building concreate jungles, Mining practices for oil or any precious metals, polluting environment, poaching are few examples which led to biodiversity losses in the world.
3. Urbanization- With enchancement of technology along the lines of globalization, more of the population are working in service sector leading to more urban settlements due to increase of companies and earning of good money is making villages empty which is also one of the major concern for depletion of biodiversity.
Method we need to focus to tackle biodiversity loss
These are some of the major steps that can be taken by an individual and countries to reduce biodiversity loss and conserve them.
Even though damage is done to our biodiversity in recent years, we can take some initiative at local, state, national and international level to save the remaining biodiversity to our best we can so as to reduce the climate change effects on Earth. Summits like Rio de janeio, Montreal protocol and organisations of United Nation Through IUCN are working towards saving the flora and fauna of the World. Sustainable practices and Awareness within people is a great weapon to save our biodiversity.