Agriculture was the main focus of the first five-year plan (1951-1956). It emphasizes the development of the primary sector and increasing agricultural production thus making India self-reliant in food grain production. The following are the effects on agriculture of the first 5-year plan- 1. InstitRead more
Agriculture was the main focus of the first five-year plan (1951-1956). It emphasizes the development of the primary sector and increasing agricultural production thus making India self-reliant in food grain production. The following are the effects on agriculture of the first 5-year plan-
1. Institutional or land reforms – It aims at the abolition of the zamindars and intermediaries that exploit farmers. It lays a maximum limit or ceiling on the land holdings to prevent the concentration of land to one person to bring equity between the rich and poor farmers Consolidation of land holdings and cooperative farming is also implemented.
2. Credit facility– Provisions for providing cheap credit which is easily available for the farmers.
3. Irrigation facility– Irrigation facilities are improved significantly for better production and agricultural yield. Dams are also built by the government to provide water to fields ( Eg-Tehri dam)
4. Modern agricultural implements– The use of scientific farming techniques, high-yielding variety (HYV) seeds, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides are encouraged to get a better yield.
5. Research centers – Various research centers are established by the government to conduct research work on agriculture.
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The British introduced the following economic policies to India, which are still profound and lasting: Land Revenue Systems:---- 1. Zamindari System: The British granted authority to collect land revenue to Zamindars which meant landlords. The feudal system usually intimidated peasants through heighRead more
The British introduced the following economic policies to India, which are still profound and lasting:
Land Revenue Systems:—-
1. Zamindari System:
The British granted authority to collect land revenue to Zamindars which meant landlords. The feudal system usually intimidated peasants through heightened lease payments while forcing some to leave their properties.
2. Ryotwari System:
Tax revenue was obtained through direct payment from agricultural producers. During periods of drought the approach proved stern but it kept toward fairness throughout most other times.
3. De-industrialization:
British manufacturing imports led to the demise of Indian textile businesses producing cotton alongside silk along with different types of handicrafts.
4. Focus on Cash Crops:
Indian farmers faced a dual requirement to focus on producing cash crops for British exports which pushed food crops into secondary importance thereby leading to recurring food shortages across the country.
5. Drain of Wealth:
Years of Indian wealth ended up being moved out of the country through British business profits and British official salaries as well as loan payment interests.
6. Development of Infrastructure
The British constructed railways along with other infrastructure yet all their developments targeted British economic purposes for transporting raw materials and manufactured goods.
Economic Impact on Local Economies
1. Destruction of Peasants: The combination between land revenue policies and cash crop programs transformed most farmers into poverty-stricken people.
2. Deindustrialization: Traditional industries declining caused an enormous loss of employment while creating total disaster for skilled professionals and textile manufacturers.
3. Economic Dependence: Raw material export from India allowed it to depend on British manufactured goods imports.
4. Unequal Development: Development fruits did not reach British citizens and Indian capitalist class fairly in this economic model.
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