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The tennis championships receive less of a prize fund and less funding than football championships for several reasons as can be seen from the differences in popularity, commercialization, and audience viewership of the two platforms. 1. Audience Size and Popularity Football is the most sought afterRead more
The tennis championships receive less of a prize fund and less funding than football championships for several reasons as can be seen from the differences in popularity, commercialization, and audience viewership of the two platforms.
1. Audience Size and Popularity
Football is the most sought after game globally and it boasts of the largest fan base across the entire world, and across all continents. At least billions of people watch FIFA World Cup and UEFA Champions League.
But in tennis the international audience is very less. They mainly attract audience within particular areas of interests (e.g. Europe, North America, Australia etc.). It thus minimizes its possible business use and the cash that may be produced from it.
More than 1.5 billion people watched the final match of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. However, the 2023 Wimbledon men’s final was watched only by about 10 million people.
2. Sponsorship and Advertising**
Like any other sport, football clubs and leagues align themselves with the same big-money sponsors who include Nike, Adidas, Qatar Airways, and Coca-Cola because football is an activity that transcends geographical boundaries.
Sponsorship in tennis is majorly event based; it is either the specific players such as Roger Federer, Serena Williams and so on or even certain tournaments such as Wimbledon or the US open and so on. It is therefore less uniform in the sport than it is in other spheres.
3. The accessibility and Cultural Factors plays an important role in the context of the present study.
See lessFootball is easier to play throughout the world because it requires very few equipment and structures. This is a reason why it is so widespread across the globe, and especially in developing states.
Tennis is regarded as an elite sport due to their specific surface necessary to play, the equipment needed to play this sport, and the training required to play it as well, the game is not accessible in the worldwide market.