What are the long term effects of cold war on current world order in your view?
Despite the fact that both medieval Japan samurai culture and Europe feudalism seems similar, they developed differently with different contributing factors. Similarities: Hierarchical Structure: The two systems are both ranked, and social stratification was clear and distinct. In Japan, the masterRead more
Despite the fact that both medieval Japan samurai culture and Europe feudalism seems similar, they developed differently with different contributing factors.
Hierarchical Structure: The two systems are both ranked, and social stratification was clear and distinct. In Japan, the master was called daimyo, and samurai class was his vassal; in Europe, the master was a lord, and the knights served him.
-Code of Conduct: There was strong code of conduct in both the Samurai and Knights of the Middle Ages. This is because Bushido, the way of the warrior, focused on loyalty, honor and war craft knowledge; while chivalry focused on valor, politeness and loyalty to the superior.
-Land-Based Economy: Both societies were mainly rural and control of arable land was a primary basis of this power and wealth.
-Central Authority: European feudalism was the result of decline of centralized power of Rome and emergence of decentralized governance system; though big local lords were the results not kings. Japanese feudalism took place under imperial oversight while at the same time real control existed in the hands of the shogunate.
Religious Influence: Even though people I believe religion was a factor in the two systems, the influence was not the same. This makes it easier to see how Shinto and Buddhism influenced Japanese culture and influenced what the samurai might have valued; Christianity influenced European feudal society far more, through the Church’s role in the political and social spheres.
Limited Direct Influence
As for medieval Japan and Europe there had been no direct contact between the cultures however similarity of societies that were under the similar kind of pressures such as accumulated decentralization of powers, need of protection, and economization with agriculture at its base, these would develop same solutions for these problems. However the nature of feudalism in the two areas differed due to the difference geographical location and historical backgrounds that were obtainable in Japan and Europe.
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The Cold War has had profound and lasting effects on the current world order, influencing international relations, political ideologies, military strategies, and economic policies. Here are some of the long-term effects: Bipolar World to Unipolar Moment: The Cold War established a bipolar world domiRead more
The Cold War has had profound and lasting effects on the current world order, influencing international relations, political ideologies, military strategies, and economic policies. Here are some of the long-term effects: