Answer the question in maximum 15 to 20 words. This question carries 03 marks.[MPPSC 2022] Distinguish between the World Wide Web (WWW) and the Internet.
An effect of this shift in traditional learning into an increase in academic outputs is the role of AI in education. AI adaptive systems analyze performance data, thereby providing individualized content, pace, and remarks on each learner's requirement and style. This propels learners to advance theRead more
An effect of this shift in traditional learning into an increase in academic outputs is the role of AI in education. AI adaptive systems analyze performance data, thereby providing individualized content, pace, and remarks on each learner’s requirement and style. This propels learners to advance their pace and receives targeted aid for more productive and intriguing learning experiences.
Furthermore, the AI grading systems reduce the amount of time that a teacher takes to mark and grade a paper. With the free time, they have ample opportunities to teach and help more students individually. In addition, the AI assessment tool gives one a better insight into what a particular student has achieved or needs help with.
AI tech-powered chatbots also act as surrogate human teachers, allowing the student to seek assistance at computers through the clock in a non-classroom setup.
These make teaching somewhat formalistic. They allow a professor to schedule the time allocated to classes, who will and who will not show, and what must be scheduled. This thus frees their time to educate and establish relationships with
The Internet refers to the entire global network of interconnected computers and devices. The World Wide Web specifically refers to information resources. These are accessed via the Internet using URLs and browsers.
The Internet refers to the entire global network of interconnected computers and devices. The World Wide Web specifically refers to information resources. These are accessed via the Internet using URLs and browsers.
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