Answer the question in maximum 15 to 20 words. This question carries 03 marks.[MPPSC 2022] Distinguish between the World Wide Web (WWW) and the Internet.
A Hybrid computer typically consists of a digital subsystem and an analog subsystem. The digital part handles discrete data and complex calculations, while the analog part manages continuous data processing. These subsystems work together, with the digital system controlling and coordinating the oveRead more
A Hybrid computer typically consists of a digital subsystem and an analog subsystem. The digital part handles discrete data and complex calculations, while the analog part manages continuous data processing. These subsystems work together, with the digital system controlling and coordinating the overall operation.
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The Internet refers to the entire global network of interconnected computers and devices. The World Wide Web specifically refers to information resources. These are accessed via the Internet using URLs and browsers.
The Internet refers to the entire global network of interconnected computers and devices. The World Wide Web specifically refers to information resources. These are accessed via the Internet using URLs and browsers.
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