Mains Answer Writing Latest Questions
Evaluate the socio-economic impacts of volcanic eruptions on local communities. Consider factors such as displacement, economic disruption, and long-term environmental effects in your response.
Why is there currently a freshwater resource availability and access dilemma in the world? (150 Words) [UPSC 2023]
Talk about how food security is affected by climate change in tropical nations. (150 Words) [UPSC 2023]
How can precision agriculture technologies enhance the efficiency and sustainability of crop production?
How do irrigation techniques and soil conservation practices impact crop yield and sustainability in agriculture?
“Our earth is a playfield for two opposing groups of geomorphic processes.” Discuss. [10 marks, 150 words]
On June 21 every year, which of the following latitudes experience(s) sunlight for more than 12 hours? The latitudes are the Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, and Arctic Circle. Which of these latitudes experience more than 12 hours ...