1.How people should bury their angry issue?
Self-awareness could consider several things in specificity to an individual's motive, feelings, strengths, and weaknesses. Of course, people do consider it as one of the great values or, at least, as a positive characteristic. One may be able to improve relations with people, achieve effective probRead more
Self-awareness could consider several things in specificity to an individual’s motive, feelings, strengths, and weaknesses. Of course, people do consider it as one of the great values or, at least, as a positive characteristic. One may be able to improve relations with people, achieve effective problem-solving, and bring the needed change in the self. Nonetheless, having too much consciousness about the self is also not devoid of disadvantages.
On the positive side, self-awareness helps one to moderate his or her emotions and stress reduction in this regard because an individual is well equipped to deal with emotions. Since the social contingent perception of others’ moods is easier when self-consciousness is present, it can similarly increase empathy. Similarly, self-learners are also active and logical and this benefits them at the individual and career levels.
On the other hand, the amount of self-awareness is toxic because, while it is self-enhancing in moderation, an incredible amount of self-awareness leads to self-criticism and overthinking. Anxiety and low self-esteem are likely to be incurred by those who are constantly assessing their ideas and behaviors. Self-reflectiveness can also result in atomicity where all decisions are delayed by the fear of choosing the wrong decision. Also, rather excessive self-consciousness may lead to excessive cautiousness and eliminates creativity as a result.
To sum up, self-awareness as a component of the general emotional intelligence needed to become a more effective person is indeed a valuable skill but it needs to be tempered with reason as well. Various negative effects are connected with increased self-consciousness; however, anxiety and hesitation are two of the most significant ones. Thus, I can conclude that if managed properly, self-awareness can be effectively utilized in the same way as it gives benefits without paying attention to the possible deficits.
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As a human, we all possess feelings. Anger is one of them. There are many times when we feel frustrated, anxious, annoyed, etc. and we usually end up getting angry at others. By doing so, we not only hurt others but also feel regret throughout the day. Even this portrait us in bad terms. What we canRead more
As a human, we all possess feelings. Anger is one of them. There are many times when we feel frustrated, anxious, annoyed, etc. and we usually end up getting angry at others. By doing so, we not only hurt others but also feel regret throughout the day. Even this portrait us in bad terms. What we can do in this situation is to process it in some other manner. We can make friendship with a diary, in which we can write every thought of our mind, such that why are we angry, on whom we are angry, how are we feeling, what are our minds up to, etc. It is just burying anger might result in some sort of distress, rather we should process it in some other way. Nevertheless we cannot write everywhere, all the time. Accordingly, we can distract us from being in that situation, such as back counting from 10 to 9, go out for a walk, meditate for minutes, read a book, talk to our close ones or anything which we find good to do. Sometimes getting angry is also required but, letting it coming over us or affecting us is not acceptable.
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