उत्तर प्रदेश में दिव्यांगजनों के सशक्तिकरण और उनके कल्याण के लिए प्रमुख योजनाएं क्या हैं ? (125 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
In Uttar Pradesh, several major schemes are aimed at the empowerment and welfare of Divyaangjan (persons with disabilities). Key initiatives include: Divyangjan Sahyog Yojana - Provides financial assistance and aids like wheelchairs, hearing aids, and other essential devices. Scholarships for DisablRead more
In Uttar Pradesh, several major schemes are aimed at the empowerment and welfare of Divyaangjan (persons with disabilities). Key initiatives include:
- Divyangjan Sahyog Yojana – Provides financial assistance and aids like wheelchairs, hearing aids, and other essential devices.
- Scholarships for Disabled Students – Offers financial support for educational purposes, including school and college scholarships.
- Disability Pension Scheme – Provides monthly financial assistance to individuals with severe disabilities who meet eligibility criteria.
- Skill Development Programs – Focuses on training and employment opportunities to enhance self-sufficiency and economic independence.
- Accessible Infrastructure Projects – Ensures public buildings and transportation systems are accessible to persons with disabilities.
These schemes collectively aim to improve the quality of life and promote inclusivity for Divyaangjan in Uttar Pradesh.
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उत्तर प्रदेश में दिव्यांगजनों के सशक्तिकरण और कल्याण के लिए प्रमुख योजनाएं: दिव्यांगजन सशक्तिकरण योजना: इस योजना के तहत दिव्यांग व्यक्तियों को सहायक उपकरण जैसे व्हीलचेयर, श्रवण यंत्र, और कृत्रिम अंग प्रदान किए जाते हैं। 2022 में राज्य सरकार ने 50,000 दिव्यांगजनों को सहायक उपकरण वितरित किए। दिव्यांगजRead more
उत्तर प्रदेश में दिव्यांगजनों के सशक्तिकरण और कल्याण के लिए प्रमुख योजनाएं:
ये योजनाएं दिव्यांगजनों के सशक्तिकरण की दिशा में महत्वपूर्ण कदम हैं।
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