Examine the key issues that obstruct the development of port infrastructure in India and outline the recent measures taken by the government to address these challenges. (Answer in 200 words) भारत में बंदरगाह अवसंरचना के विकास में आने वाली विभिन्न ...
Anshika Singh Learner
Explain the role of Geographical Factors in the development of Ancient India.
Geographical factors played a pivotal role in shaping ancient India’s development.
1. River Valleys: The Indus and Ganges river valleys were crucial for early civilizations. The Indus Valley Civilization (c. 3300–1300 BCE) thrived in the fertile plains of the Indus River, with cities like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro benefiting from rich alluvial soil and advanced irrigation systems. Similarly, the Gangetic plain supported large populations and major empires such as the Maurya and Gupta dynasties due to its agricultural productivity.
2. Coastal Regions: The western and eastern coasts, with natural harbors like those in Gujarat and the Coromandel Coast, facilitated maritime trade with Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Southeast Asia. The monsoon winds aided sea routes, boosting trade and cultural exchanges.
3. Natural Barriers: The Himalayas acted as a natural defense against northern invasions, preserving the subcontinent’s cultural continuity. Conversely, the Khyber Pass in the northwest allowed migrations and invasions, impacting political dynamics.
4. Climate and Resources: Diverse climates led to varied agricultural practices. The northern plains were ideal for wheat and barley, while the southern regions supported rice cultivation. Resource distribution, such as spices in the south and minerals in the east, influenced trade and economic growth.
Overall, India’s varied geography fostered agricultural success, trade, and cultural interactions, shaping its historical and developmental trajectory.