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निम्नलिखित में से प्रत्येक उद्धरण का आपके विचार से क्या अभिप्राय है ?
a. “किसी की भर्त्सना नहीं कीजिए अगर आप मदद का हाथ आगे बढ़ा सकते हैं, तो ऐसा कीजिए। यदि नहीं तो आप हाथ जोड़िए, अपने बंधुओं को आशीर्वचन दीजिए और उन्हें अपने मार्ग पर जाने दीजिए।” – स्वामी विवेकानंद अभिप्राय और व्याख्या: स्वामी विवेकानंद का यह उद्धरण दया और सहानुभूति पर बल देता है। इसका तात्पर्य है किRead more
a. “किसी की भर्त्सना नहीं कीजिए अगर आप मदद का हाथ आगे बढ़ा सकते हैं, तो ऐसा कीजिए। यदि नहीं तो आप हाथ जोड़िए, अपने बंधुओं को आशीर्वचन दीजिए और उन्हें अपने मार्ग पर जाने दीजिए।” – स्वामी विवेकानंद
अभिप्राय और व्याख्या: स्वामी विवेकानंद का यह उद्धरण दया और सहानुभूति पर बल देता है। इसका तात्पर्य है कि यदि हमारे पास किसी की मदद करने की क्षमता है, तो हमें निस्वार्थ सहायता करनी चाहिए। यदि मदद करना संभव नहीं है, तो हमें विचारशीलता और अच्छे इरादों के साथ उन्हें उनके मार्ग पर चलने देना चाहिए। आलोचना और निंदा करने के बजाय, यह दृष्टिकोण सकारात्मक और समर्थनकारी रवैये को बढ़ावा देता है।
हालिया उदाहरण: कोविड-19 महामारी के दौरान, कई लोगों और संगठनों ने निस्वार्थ सहायता प्रदान की, जैसे कि चिकित्सा सहायता और राशन वितरण। इसके विपरीत, आलोचना और निंदा करने से अधिक लाभकारी था, जैसे कि सकारात्मक योगदान और सहायता प्रदान करना।
b. “स्वयं को खोजने का सर्वोत्तम मार्ग यह है कि अपने आप को अन्य की सेवा में खो दें।” – महात्मा गाँधी
अभिप्राय और व्याख्या: महात्मा गाँधी का यह उद्धरण यह दर्शाता है कि स्वयं की खोज और आत्म-साक्षात्कार सबसे अच्छा तब होता है जब हम दूसरों की सेवा में खुद को समर्पित कर देते हैं। दूसरों की भलाई के लिए काम करने से हमें अथाह संतोष और आत्मा की गहराई प्राप्त होती है, और यह हमें अपनी असली पहचान और उद्देश्य को जानने में मदद करता है।
हालिया उदाहरण: सामाजिक सेवा और स्वयंसेवा के प्रयास, जैसे कि प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के दौरान राहत कार्य और शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य के क्षेत्रों में योगदान, इस उद्धरण की पुष्टि करते हैं। स्वयंसेवक जो दूसरों की सेवा में अपना समय और ऊर्जा लगाते हैं, वे अक्सर एक गहरा आंतरिक संतोष और जीवन की दिशा अनुभव करते हैं।
c. “नैतिकता की एक व्यवस्था जो कि सापेक्ष भावनात्मक मूल्यों पर आधारित है केवल एक भ्रांति है, एक अत्यंत अशिष्ट अवधारण जिसमें कुछ भी युक्तिसंगत नहीं है और न ही सत्य।” – सुकरात
अभिप्राय और व्याख्या: सुकरात का यह उद्धरण इस विचार को व्यक्त करता है कि नैतिकता यदि केवल व्यक्तिगत भावनाओं और सांस्कृतिक मान्यताओं पर निर्भर है, तो यह एक अस्थिर और भ्रामक प्रणाली होती है। वास्तविक नैतिकता को सार्वभौमिक और वस्तुनिष्ठ सिद्धांतों पर आधारित होना चाहिए, जो हर स्थिति में समान रूप से लागू हो।
हालिया उदाहरण: नैतिक सापेक्षवाद और नैतिक निरपेक्षता की बहस इस उद्धरण से संबंधित है। उदाहरण के लिए, मानवाधिकार के मुद्दों पर विभिन्न सांस्कृतिक दृष्टिकोण और व्यक्तिगत भावनाओं की बजाय एक सार्वभौमिक नैतिक मानक की आवश्यकता होती है, ताकि न्याय और समानता को सुनिश्चित किया जा सके।
See lessWhat do each of the following quotations mean to you?
a. “Condemn none if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If not, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way.” – Swami Vivekanand Meaning and Interpretation: Swami Vivekanand’s quotation emphasizes compassion and non-judgment. It suggests that if we have the means to suRead more
a. “Condemn none if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If not, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way.” – Swami Vivekanand
Meaning and Interpretation: Swami Vivekanand’s quotation emphasizes compassion and non-judgment. It suggests that if we have the means to support or help others, we should do so without reservation. Condemning others is discouraged, as it is more constructive to offer assistance or, if that’s not possible, to at least wish them well and allow them to follow their own paths. This attitude fosters a spirit of empathy and kindness rather than criticism or hostility.
Recent Example: During the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals and organizations stretched out their hands by providing aid, healthcare, and support to those in need. In contrast, simply criticizing the inadequate response of authorities or individuals, without contributing positively, would align with condemnation rather than helpful action.
b. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Meaning and Interpretation: Gandhi’s quote suggests that personal self-discovery and fulfillment are best achieved through selfless service to others. By focusing on the needs of others and contributing to their well-being, one can gain a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s purpose. This process often leads to personal growth and a sense of inner satisfaction that comes from making a positive impact on the world.
Recent Example: The volunteer efforts during natural disasters, like the support provided to communities affected by recent floods or earthquakes, highlight this principle. Volunteers who dedicate their time and resources to help those in need often find a profound sense of purpose and identity through their selfless acts of service.
c. “A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true.” – Socrates
Meaning and Interpretation: Socrates argues that morality based solely on subjective emotions is flawed and unreliable. He believes that for moral systems to be valid, they must be grounded in objective and universal principles, rather than fluctuating personal feelings or cultural norms. Such a system lacks objectivity and consistency, rendering it an illusory and superficial approach to ethical issues.
Recent Example: The debate on moral relativism versus moral absolutism is relevant here. For instance, while social media platforms often reflect varying personal opinions on ethical issues, these emotional reactions can sometimes overshadow a more objective assessment of justice and fairness, such as in discussions about human rights abuses or legal reforms.
See lessWhat teachings of Buddha are most relevant today and why? Discuss. (150 words) [UPSC 2020]
Relevant Teachings of Buddha Today **1. The Concept of Mindfulness a. Practice of Awareness: Buddha's teaching on mindfulness (Sati) emphasizes being fully present in the moment and aware of one’s thoughts and actions. In today's fast-paced world, mindfulness practices have been integrated into mentRead more
Relevant Teachings of Buddha Today
**1. The Concept of Mindfulness
a. Practice of Awareness:
Buddha’s teaching on mindfulness (Sati) emphasizes being fully present in the moment and aware of one’s thoughts and actions. In today’s fast-paced world, mindfulness practices have been integrated into mental health approaches, such as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), helping individuals manage stress and improve mental well-being.
**2. The Middle Way
a. Balance and Moderation:
The Middle Way advocates avoiding extremes of indulgence and asceticism. This principle is relevant in contemporary society, where issues of overconsumption and stress are prevalent. Corporate wellness programs and health initiatives often promote balanced living as a means to enhance productivity and overall health.
**3. Compassion and Non-Violence
a. Ethical Living:
Buddha’s teachings on compassion (Karuna) and non-violence (Ahimsa) encourage empathy and non-harm towards others. In current times, this is crucial for fostering social harmony and resolving conflicts. For example, Gandhi’s principles of non-violence have inspired global movements for civil rights and social justice.
**4. Impermanence (Anicca)
a. Acceptance of Change:
Understanding the concept of impermanence helps in coping with change and uncertainty. This teaching is significant in today’s rapidly changing world, aiding people in adapting to technological advancements and personal life transitions.
See lessBuddha’s teachings on mindfulness, the Middle Way, compassion, and impermanence remain highly relevant today, providing valuable guidance for mental well-being, balanced living, ethical conduct, and adaptability in a dynamic world.
How can one use Gandhiji's talisman for resolving ethical dilemmas in day-to-day life?
Gandhi ji's talisman says that 'whenever a person is in doubt, he/she should think whether her decision would empower or marginalize the poorest.' It serves as an effective yardstick to evaluate the relevance of our actions. It is perhaps the most important social thought relevant presently as it heRead more
Gandhi ji’s talisman says that ‘whenever a person is in doubt, he/she should think whether her decision would empower or marginalize the poorest.’ It serves as an effective yardstick to evaluate the relevance of our actions. It is perhaps the most important social thought relevant presently as it helps in practicing the values of morality, empathy, compassion, integrity and honesty. Gandhi’s talisman can help resolve ethical dilemmas in general and day-to-day life in particular, in the following ways:
Resolving ethical dilemma requires clarity in thought process. Gandhiji’s talisman provides a line of thinking which involves keeping in mind interests of the marginalized. In this manner, this approach is of huge importance for a civil servant when it comes to resolving ethical dilemmas. In our day to day life, we face several situations such as leaving a seat to some old person or pregnant lady, or even at the time of giving moral education to children, or using natural resources such as water or electricity, Gandhiji’s talisman provides a guiding light. The essence of this talisman can also be observed in the philosophy of ‘Sarvodaya through Antyodaya’ (Development of all through development of the weakest) adopted by a welfare state during policy formulation.
See less“Whatever has a price can be replaced by something else as its equivalent; on the other hand, whatever is above all price, and therefore admits of no equivalent has a Würde (Dignity)”. (Kant) Explain the relevance of human dignity as a human value and briefly describe the dignity violations that are observed in Indian society.
Kant’s philosophy beautifully captures the essence of human dignity. He argues that while everything with a price can be swapped for something else, dignity is priceless and irreplaceable. This simple yet often overlooked idea highlights the intrinsic worth of every individual, reminding us that eveRead more
Kant’s philosophy beautifully captures the essence of human dignity. He argues that while everything with a price can be swapped for something else, dignity is priceless and irreplaceable. This simple yet often overlooked idea highlights the intrinsic worth of every individual, reminding us that everyone deserves respect and moral consideration, no matter the circumstances.
Human dignity is a cornerstone of ethical living and social justice. It is a fundamental value that safeguards the respect, rights, and moral standing of individuals. Recognizing it means acknowledging that everyone deserves to be treated with compassion and equality, without discrimination or prejudice.
However, in Indian society, violations of human dignity are regrettably commonplace. Caste-based discrimination, older than even our capital Delhi, remains a significant issue where individuals from lower castes often face social exclusion and inequity. Gender inequality also manifests in various forms, from domestic violence to workplace discrimination, undermining the dignity of women and other gender minorities.
All of this, coupled with poverty and lack of access to essential resources like education and healthcare, strips many of their dignity. Child labor and human trafficking further illustrate the grim reality of dignity violations, where vulnerable individuals are exploited and deprived of their basic rights.
Basically, Kant’s concept of dignity highlights the invaluable nature of human worth but the persistent dignity violations in Indian society remind us of the urgent need to uphold and protect this fundamental human value for all.
See lessWhat does each of the following quotations mean to you in the present context? (a)“The method alone interests me, and by method, I mean the agency through which the wishes of the people are reached.” Gandhi
The “end” is the goal, the destination. The “means” are the resources and preparation you use to get there. The means-ends debate is a paramount ethical dilemma. On one hand, there are proponents of consequentialism and utilitarianism who are in favour of ends over means, on the other hand, there arRead more
The “end” is the goal, the destination. The “means” are the resources and preparation you use to get there. The means-ends debate is a paramount ethical dilemma. On one hand, there are proponents of consequentialism and utilitarianism who are in favour of ends over means, on the other hand, there are proponents of virtue ethics and deontology who believe in the importance of means over ends. The abovementioned quote is of Mahatma Gandhi stressing on the importance of means over ends.
Difference Between Means And Ends
Means Vs Ends In Politics
Means Vs Ends In Economy
Means Vs Ends In Administration
Why Methods/Means Alone Matter; Why Not The Ends?
When the means justify the ends, ethical consideration focuses on what you do, not the consequences of what you’ve done. Gandhi observed that “Noble Goals can be achieved only through Noble Means”. His Seven Sins philosophy also emphasises on the Importance of Means. For example, in the list of sins – Politics without Principles, Wealth without Work, Worship without Sacrifice, etc, the former are the ends whereas the latter symbolises means which imply that Ends are of lesser value without the desired means. Therefore with all the above arguments and observations, we can say that to reach the wishes of the people, we must follow moral and just means.
See lessWhat does each of the following quotations mean to you?(a) "It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently – Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky's quote, "It requires more than intelligence to act wisely," emphasizes that intelligence alone isn't sufficient for wise decision-making. Wisdom involves not just intellectual capability but also experience, empathy, emotional intelligence, and moral judgment. Acting wisely meansRead more
Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s quote, “It requires more than intelligence to act wisely,” emphasizes that intelligence alone isn’t sufficient for wise decision-making. Wisdom involves not just intellectual capability but also experience, empathy, emotional intelligence, and moral judgment. Acting wisely means considering the broader implications of one’s actions, understanding human nature, and making choices that reflect ethical principles and a deep understanding of life. In essence, Dostoyevsky suggests that true wisdom encompasses a blend of intellect and a nuanced understanding of the human condition.
See less"Forgiveness is not an occasional act. It is a permanent attitude." Martin Luther King, Jr.
This quote suggests that forgiveness should be embraced as a consistent and long-lasting mindset rather than practising in an uncertain or random manner. Forgiveness is generally defined as a conscious and intentional decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance towards that, which has caRead more
This quote suggests that forgiveness should be embraced as a consistent and long-lasting mindset rather than practising in an uncertain or random manner. Forgiveness is generally defined as a conscious and intentional decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance towards that, which has caused harm or hurt.
Forgiveness as an attitude can’t be a one time act that can be practiced on rare occasions according to one’s own convenience and whims. It should become an indispensable part of one’s attitude. Once imbibed as a permanent attitude, forgiveness presents opportunities to demonstrate empathy and respect for others and to preserve relationships. It becomes a moral choice, which strikes at the heart of ethical decision-making.
Forgiveness as a permanent attitude has the following impact on individuals:
It is important to realise that inculcating the attitude of forgiveness is a complex and personal process and some situations may be more challenging to forgive than others. Cultivating forgiveness requires one to reflect on the benefits of forgiveness, developing empathy and compassion towards oneself as well as towards the others. As echoed in the teachings of various philosophies and religions, virtues like forgiveness helps to uplift, inspire, and lead us towards personal and professional excellence.
See lessWhat does each of the following quotations mean to you? "The end-product of education should be a free creative man, who can battle against historical circumstances and adversities of nature." Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
According to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, for education to be complete, it must be human; it must include not only training of intellect but refinement of the heart and discipline of the spirit. According to him, education must not only aim for factual knowledge but also strive for achieving wisdomRead more
According to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, for education to be complete, it must be human; it must include not only training of intellect but refinement of the heart and discipline of the spirit. According to him, education must not only aim for factual knowledge but also strive for achieving wisdom and developing creativity.
Education should be a process of human development that empowers individuals to become free, creative, and moral agents. It should instil human and spiritual values, spirit of enquiry, scientific temper and wisdom in the pupil. With education, a person should become free and creative, with an ability to express himself and take moral stand by utilising his learnings.
The knowledge and wisdom gained through education help a person to battle against historical circumstances and adversities of nature in the following ways:
The quote presented in the question holds relevance in contemporary times where creativity is quite essential for not just handling historical circumstances or adversities of nature but complex global issues such as climate change, pandemic etc.; rapid advancement of technology and mental health problems. Thus, individuals need education that empowers them with skills and mindset to address global challenges and contribute positively to their communities and the world.
See less"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things." Ronald Reagan
The quote indicates that a great leader is one who influences the thinking, actions and behavior of others. It highlights that leadership is more than just being in charge and it is about inspiring, collaborating, and working with others towards a bigger cause. A great leadership involves followingRead more
The quote indicates that a great leader is one who influences the thinking, actions and behavior of others. It highlights that leadership is more than just being in charge and it is about inspiring, collaborating, and working with others towards a bigger cause.
A great leadership involves following aspects:
Effective leaders take a personal interest in the long-term development of their followers/team members, and they use persuasion and other social skills to encourage them to achieve their best. It isn’t about being nice or understanding but it’s about tapping into individual motivations in the interest of furthering an organizational or societal goal.
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