While both the Moon and the Sun influence the ocean tides, the Moon plays the biggest role. Although the Sun's gravitational pull on the Earth is 178 times stronger than the Moon's, the tidal bulges it causes are much smaller. This is because, contrary to common belief, tides are not caused by the gRead more
While both the Moon and the Sun influence the ocean tides, the Moon plays the biggest role. Although the Sun’s gravitational pull on the Earth is 178 times stronger than the Moon’s, the tidal bulges it causes are much smaller.
This is because, contrary to common belief, tides are not caused by the gravitational forces of the Moon or the Sun lifting up the oceans—their gravitational pull is much too weak for that. Rather, tides are created because the strength and direction of the gravitational pull varies depending on where on Earth you are. This variation creates the differential forces or tidal forces that in turn cause tides.
The tidal forces of the Moon are much stronger than the Sun’s because it is so much close to our planet, causing a much greater variation in the gravitational force from one location to another. The Sun’s gravitational force, on the other hand, varies much less because the Sun is so far away.
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It is often seen that healthcare need of Rural areas are lesser than Urban areas. This could be due to lack of communication facilities, resources, education. We all will remember the Covid-19 pandemic. With how much difficulty could Covid vaccine be provided to rural areas. So you can understand thRead more
It is often seen that healthcare need of Rural areas are lesser than Urban areas. This could be due to lack of communication facilities, resources, education. We all will remember the Covid-19 pandemic. With how much difficulty could Covid vaccine be provided to rural areas. So you can understand tha how much we need that Healthcare need AI help and innovations.
AI has the potential to be used in planning and resource allocation in health and social care service. AI technologies are being developed by industry, academia, government and individuals. It is expected that integration of AI-based technologies into medical practice will produce substance changes in many areas of medicine and healthcare.
Many medical AI tools have been developed within recent years. Here are the following ‘How AI is contributing to the development of healthcare in rural areas’:-
• AI- assisted diagnosis and treatment planning:- AI is intelligent, fast and accurate to find The diagnose various disease, infectious disease, chronic conditions, mental health disorder, clinical disease or etc.
• AI-powered remote patient monitoring devices/ Telemedicine for healthcare:-
AI is helping remote monitoring to that patient who have severe disease. AI helps the doctor to monitoring their status, and detect early sign of deterioration.
• Chatbots in healthcare (Software Chatbots):-
These tools helping to provide health education to rural patients. This AI tools available in multi-languages so that any region people can understand easily.
• AI-powered mobile health (mhealth) for healthcare:-
Mobile applications. in nowadays we can create healthcare application easily by using AI. Patients have to download the applications and they can take appointments or consult from doctor in minutes. Patient can set their alarms for medicine, check their BP, heartbeat or etc.
• AI uses for Medical training and education:-
AI tools help the doctors of rural areas to keep update about healthcare. And patient also, if any normal person trapped in medical issue then AI can train the person for kind of situation.
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