Artists like Vincent Van Gogh, Emily Dickinson, and Franz Kafka were not famous during their lifetimes for several reasons. First, their work was often ahead of its time. Van Gogh's bold colors and emotional brushstrokes did not match the 19th-century taste. Kafka’s strange and dark stories puzzledRead more
Artists like Vincent Van Gogh, Emily Dickinson, and Franz Kafka were not famous during their lifetimes for several reasons. First, their work was often ahead of its time. Van Gogh’s bold colors and emotional brushstrokes did not match the 19th-century taste. Kafka’s strange and dark stories puzzled his contemporaries. Dickinson’s poetry was unconventional and rarely published.
Personal issues also played a role. Many of these artists were introverted or reclusive. Dickinson stayed at home and avoided socializing. Kafka was shy and unsure about his writing. Van Gogh struggled with mental health problems. These traits kept them from promoting their work.
Money was another problem. Van Gogh lived in poverty and depended on his brother. Without funds, he couldn’t gain exposure. Dickinson and Kafka had limited means, too, making it hard to reach an audience.
The world of art and literature also had its challenges. It favored familiar styles and often ignored new ideas. Van Gogh’s art was too different, and Kafka’s themes too dark.
Finally, there were no modern ways to share their work widely. Their work of art was recognized only after their deaths, when critics and scholars reassessed their contributions. This delayed fame shows how artistic value can take time to be appreciated.
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Personal experiences play a huge part in shaping one's perspectives and ideals on art and literature. It broadens and widens our understanding of literature. It encompasses us with varied emotions and whirlpool of feelings. An author is able to jot down his experiences and is able to come up with coRead more
Personal experiences play a huge part in shaping one’s perspectives and ideals on art and literature. It broadens and widens our understanding of literature. It encompasses us with varied emotions and whirlpool of feelings. An author is able to jot down his experiences and is able to come up with compelling stories full of life. One is able to write realistic pieces because of the occurrences in one’s life. Personal experiences not only frame the literal mind of a person but also influence the psyche of an author. Aspects in one’s life then become the part of the written record of the genius.
Harriet Jacobs is one true paragon, whose life and perspectives were well documented in her masterpiece ” The incidents in the life of a slave girl”. The author’s resilience and thought process is much discussed in this piece.
Personal influences also alters the mind’s of great poets like Emily Dickinson whose life and mysticism has impacted her writings in the best ways possible. In conclusion art may be influenced by many factors but one of the main factor has to be personal accounts of an individual.
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