PRECISION AGRICULTURE IS PANACEA FOR INDIAN AGRICULTURE SYSTEM. let's talk about needs first. Currently, India has to find ways on how it could provide sufficient food to its growing number of people without aggravating the land and water issues. The Need for Better Yield in Agriculture • ProvidingRead more
Currently, India has to find ways on how it could provide sufficient food to its growing number of people without aggravating the land and water issues.
The Need for Better Yield in Agriculture
• Providing food for 1.7 billion people in 2050
• Needs four times more land, three times more water, six times more manpower
• Food production must be intensified especially with the aim of feeding the world’s increasing population in a sustainable manner.
Precision Farming:
• Offering the appropriate agricultural input in the correct time and location and in the right measure
• Also referred to as precision farming or the four Vs of agriculture; variation, variation, variation.
• Enabling one to provide a better and specific management aimed at some conditions prevailing in a farm field.
Promise and Progress in India:
• Majority of the Indian publications point that it is important that the precision techniques are adopted
• Sprinkler is sometimes termed as drip irrigation method.
TIN 6 • Tamil Nadu Precision Farming Project basically concentrates on the promotion of drip irrigation.
Precision Agriculture brings positive impact on farmers:
This paper focuses on the aspect of technology used in precision agriculture.
Precision agriculture utilizes GPS or GNSS to implement processes that consist of observing, measuring or acting regarding field variability. This helps in making of data based resource management decisions.
Benefits for Small Farms:
Small farms have some potential for enhancing the use of precision technologies such as tractor guidance. This could mean lower input costs and higher revenue, a great possibility of saving on economic and environmental costs. Advantages include lowering of operating personnel stress and greater productivity with extra hours in harsh conditions.
Small scale farmers seem to adopt package technology at a higher rate than the large scale farmers do.
New agricultural technologies have the greatest potential with small farms, which is why there is talk of “big data for small farmers.”
Main Problems and Prospects:
• Substantial volumes for potential but adoption is still quite low and not evenly distributed in India
• Requires financial instruments and policies for the expansion of take-up.
• Extensive opportunity for the improvement of productivity and sustainability at the same time.
Accountability refers to the process as well as norms that make decision makers answerable to ones for whom decisions are taken i.e., the decision maker and the beneficiary. The recent emphasis on revolutionised democracy seeking increased accountability from the government has brought into focus itRead more
Governance refers to the frameworks, processes, and systems by which orsanisations, institutions, and governments are directed, controlled, and held accountable.