Describe in detail global warming, climate change and its impact on economy with reference to carbon credit system and green economy in India.
Potential Environmental Effects of Battery Production Processes and Ways to Avoid Them: Environmental Aspects The manufacture of electric car batteries brings along advanced ecological problems as explained below: - Resource Extraction - The extraction of key minerals like lithium, cobalt and nickelRead more
Potential Environmental Effects of Battery Production Processes and Ways to Avoid Them:
Environmental Aspects
The manufacture of electric car batteries brings along advanced ecological problems as explained below:
– Resource Extraction – The extraction of key minerals like lithium, cobalt and nickel has been linked to issues such as deforestation, soil erosion, water contamination, damage to land and wildlife habitats. Additionally, mining may as well have other issues on the surface which is that of poor working conditions and degradation of workers.
– Energy Consumption – Production of the batteries is quite energy consuming, therefore producing greenhouse gases and adding to carbon footprint.
– Waste Generation – The process generates a lot of toxic wastes and if the spent batteries are not well managed, they will cause deleterious effects to the surroundings.
Mitigation of the environmental effects:
Offered below are some of the measures that could be put into practice in order to counter these environmental issues:
Need of Sustainable Mining Practices:
Bans on mining practices should be doned. Understanding of indigenous people’s way of life.
– Cleaner mining technologies that reduce pollution and water usage.
Increased recycling and re-use of timbers lso as to minimize the need for fresh resources.
Energy Efficiency:
-Coupling of manufacturing facilities to renewable energy sources.
-Use of energy efficiency equipment and installation of energyefficient systems.
Management and Recycling of Batteries
– Technologies that would enable recovery of useful materials.
– Extended Producer Responsibility to encourage responsible end-of-life treatment and recycling.
Research and Development
– Alternative materials substitutions with minimum negative effects on the ambient environment.
– Improvement and durability of batteries such that battery replacements will not be done on cyclical basis.
Principles and Regulations:
The constructive practices and the green technology policies.
Resistant to globalization in as far as a forum creating standards and controls for the environment is even concerned.
These measures will significantly decrease the environmental impact of the battery and help in achieving a more ecological future.
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Global Warming: Global warming is the rise in an average temperature of earth’s atmosphere and oceans. It is primarily caused by increasing concentration of greenhouse gases produce by human activities such as burning of fossil fuel and deforestation. Climate Change: India having huge development prRead more
Global Warming:
Global warming is the rise in an average temperature of earth’s atmosphere and oceans. It is primarily caused by increasing concentration of greenhouse gases produce by human activities such as burning of fossil fuel and deforestation.
Climate Change:
India having huge development priorities will be adversely affected by climate change, in terms of availability of fresh water, low ground water recharge, food production, ocean acidification, increased vector born and water borne diseases with impact on human health, agriculture, water resources, natural eco systems, and biodiversity.
Impact on Economy:
1.The Green Economy responds to global economic, social and financial crises by reallocating natural, social and financial capital into creating benefits for economic development, social equity and environmental protection. Reconciliation of short-term versus long-term priorities by adopting resource-efficient and less polluting pathway enable the countries to leapfrog the usual development trajectory avoiding future costs.
2.Most selling carbon credits so far includes renewable energy, energy efficiency measures in several sectors as well as the reduction of industrial gases that contribute to climate change. A carbon credit, licenses the owner to emit one tons of carbon dioxide in year. Carbon credits provides an incentives to reduce greenhouse gases effect emission on an industrial scale and are key components of national and international emissions trading schemes that have been implemented to mitigate global warming.
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