Outline the moral precepts that serve as the foundation for a citizen’s charter. Talk about its efficacy and goal in India as well.(Answer in 150 words)
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Answer: The concept of a Citizen's Charter enshrines the trust between the service provider and its users. A Citizen's Charter outlines the service commitment of organizations or service providers towards providing quality, high-standard services, including mechanisms for grievance redressal. EthicaRead more
Answer: The concept of a Citizen’s Charter enshrines the trust between the service provider and its users. A Citizen’s Charter outlines the service commitment of organizations or service providers towards providing quality, high-standard services, including mechanisms for grievance redressal. Ethical principles on which the Citizen’s Charter is formulated are:
The purpose of a Citizen’s Charter as outlined by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) are as follows:
The Citizen’s Charter has increased the participation of the common man in the efficient working of an organization by making the citizens aware of the aims and goals of the organization. Further, it has helped in reducing corruption by ensuring transparency and accountability and has also led to a citizen-friendly system in order to promote good governance. However, there have been certain shortcomings with respect to its effective implementation, such as:
A Citizen’s Charter essentially focuses on the rights of the public and the obligations of the public servants. Redesigning, re-engineering, and restructuring the Charter by providing wider consultation and awareness generation through customer surveys and customer Councils, including an external review process, involving and empowering frontline employees and their capacity building through training and building on new skills will be required to make it more dynamic and citizen-friendly.
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