What are the primary causes of the backlog of cases in the judiciary, and what steps can be taken to expedite the resolution of cases?
Agriculture produces fewer environmental harms through adoption of sustainable farming methods. -Soil Health benefits from crop rotation and reduced tillage technique alongside cover cropping because these practices help maintain soil structure and reduce erosion and improve water retention. Soil heRead more
Agriculture produces fewer environmental harms through adoption of sustainable farming methods.
-Soil Health benefits from crop rotation and reduced tillage technique alongside cover cropping because these practices help maintain soil structure and reduce erosion and improve water retention. Soil health functions as a carbon capture system which fights against climate change.
-The combination of drip irrigation and water harvesting using rainwater and decreased dependence on synthetic fertilizers allows farmers to preserve essential water resources and decrease water contamination.
Less Chemical Use:
-Monitoring ecosystems through IPM enables biological entities like natural enemies and planting patterns to decrease chemical pesticide usage. The protective measure supports biodiversity protection and reduces water contamination.
-The combinations of precision agriculture and organic farming methods lower manufacturers’ dependency on synthetic fertilizers. Soil quality improves and nutrient runoff gets prevented by this method.
-Introducing trees and shrubs in agricultural systems aids wildlife habitat creation and boosts ecosystem diversity and improves land health while establishing habitats for wildlife.
-Planting many different crops serves to decrease farming reliance on single-crop areas thus minimizing their exposure to harmful predators and health threats.
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The factors, mainly responsible for, arrears in the judiciary, are an inadequate judicial infrastructure, insufficient number of judges, procedural delays, and inflowing of frivolous litigation. Most courts have rudimentary and antiquated systems not adequately helped by technological support in casRead more
The factors, mainly responsible for, arrears in the judiciary, are an inadequate judicial infrastructure, insufficient number of judges, procedural delays, and inflowing of frivolous litigation. Most courts have rudimentary and antiquated systems not adequately helped by technological support in case management and tracking. On the other hand, the judge-to-population ratio in many regions is very low, which burdens each judge with a huge caseload. Other contributory factors that really slow down the process are procedural delays, inclusive of long adjournments and complicated procedural requirements. Apart from this, frivolous and unnecessary litigation adds to the burden and saps the system of its time and energy that should have otherwise been devoted to other more urgent cases.
Case disposal can be speeded up by several measures: first, by increasing the number of judges and improving judicial infrastructure. In this, the use of technology in facilitating e-filing and electronic case management, as well as virtual hearings, will greatly reduce inordinate delays. Simplification of procedural laws and checking unwarranted adjournments will make the case process smooth. ADR methods, like mediation and arbitration, can be initiated and prompted for the settlement of disputes outside the mainstream courts. Stringent penalties for frivolous litigation will dissuade such cases from entering the mainstream. Only comprehensive judicial reforms aimed at making the system efficient and modern will really help in tackling the problem of arrears effectively and providing timely justice to the people.
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