what do you understand about the concept of region and define its types in detail.
Climate change poses a meaningful danger to Indian farming, that is well dependent on certain weather patterns and water chance. Rising hotnesses, unpredictable precipitation, and more extreme weather occurrences can all bring about dropped off crop yields, raised bug infestations, and salinizationRead more
Climate change poses a meaningful danger to Indian farming, that is well dependent on certain weather patterns and water chance. Rising hotnesses, unpredictable precipitation, and more extreme weather occurrences can all bring about dropped off crop yields, raised bug infestations, and salinization of marshy lands.The Indian management has captured various steps to diminish the impact of feeling change on farming. These involve drives to advance water preservation, cultivate dryness-opposing crop differences, and advance land practices.
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Regions in geography are defined areas that share certain characteristics; it can either be a natural or artificial region that differs in size. Some of the examples of natural regions include similarities in climate, landscapes, and wildlife. On the other hand, artificial regions may be characterizRead more
Regions in geography are defined areas that share certain characteristics; it can either be a natural or artificial region that differs in size. Some of the examples of natural regions include similarities in climate, landscapes, and wildlife. On the other hand, artificial regions may be characterized by religion, governmental systems, or linguistic characteristics. Geographers may group regions based on the characteristic. However, as boundaries change over time, regions are constantly changing. A region is not self-defined or nature-given; instead, it is an artifact of selection, choosing what to include and excluding the rest, which is irrelevant to the concept.
Formal Regions
Functional Regions
Planning Regions
Examples include economic planning regions that can be considered to be formal regions comprising homogeneous factors such as unemployment. Others are functional regions like metropolitan areas containing flows between cities and towns.