By connecting positive attitude towards children, usually children’s are very sensitive about the behavior of elders if the parent shows negative response/unpleasant attitude when the child is presenting something or communicating something it’s effects their feelings and emotions which is very bad.Read more
By connecting positive attitude towards children, usually children’s are very sensitive about the behavior of elders if the parent shows negative response/unpleasant attitude when the child is presenting something or communicating something it’s effects their feelings and emotions which is very bad. Instead communicating with positive attitude allows children’s to express their emotions and feelings, listening while the little ones are talking and giving / expressing your talks with them helps the children to trust and allows them to communicate more effectively and freely.
When children do mistakes don’t get angry instead be patient and tell them that this is not how you do it and correct them with love and kindness, make them to understand that it’s okay to mistakes but not repeat again.
Correcting their mistakes with little talks and educating them on things start here.
Focus on connections, encourage them with small gifts or prizes – giving chocolates, adding stars to their daily activities helps them to grow positively. Recognise their talents and enjoy their small accomplishments, it makes them trust you even more and the feeling flow in healthy way and makes them happier. “Gentle parenting needs patience”. Let children learn slowly and grow slowly, don’t force them into your with comparing with other children/kids. Not every journey is same let them alone understand and grow. Be patient and grateful for what they are doing and encourage them. Living happy is what it matters in life other is the rest. Children need love, care, and support- not judgments. Good parenting takes small amount work with all the love. The rest is happiness.
How can we encourage more women to take up hobbies or activities they’re interested in? Women are highly intelligent and very supportive of each other, and according to scientific facts use their brains more efficiently than men. In the early 17 and 18th Centuries the earth was predominantly ruled bRead more
How can we encourage more women to take up hobbies or activities they’re interested in?
See lessWomen are highly intelligent and very supportive of each other, and according to scientific facts use their brains more efficiently than men. In the early 17 and 18th Centuries the earth was predominantly ruled by men and there was no such thing as fighting for equality or feminism. Fast forward now to the 21st Century and the world is going through a real feminism era where women’s rights have taken the fore front and the fight for equality is among the main agendas and topics worldwide. In the world and society we live in today, more than 40% of the workforce in leading industries is occupied by women.
This is just a statistic to give you a foresight of how the world has changed and is still changing. Nonetheless to make real and proper changes we still have to do more and shake up a few more things. Now more than ever we have to support, encourage and motivate more women to pursue and take an interests in more hobby- related activities. We have to promote and create awareness in building up a activities and hobbies that are more gender biased, with no discrimination and support each other.