In this gen-z generation nobody wants their children to become a farmer, while it is the most important sector in our country. What are your thoughts??
Bonthu Ashok Reddy/Questions
Mains Answer Writing Latest Questions
Most of the society thinks poverty is a sin, while it teaches the most valuable lessons in life. What might be the reason behind this??
Poverty can actually be a sin and it can also be a great teacher in lives of some people. not every people have the same mindset. every people don't have mindset to come out of their comfort zone, work more harder, save more money, make more and more money. some people remain comfortable being poorRead more
Poverty can actually be a sin and it can also be a great teacher in lives of some people. not every people have the same mindset. every people don’t have mindset to come out of their comfort zone, work more harder, save more money, make more and more money. some people remain comfortable being poor and they are not interested in inproving their lifestyle. but there are also some people who live in poverty and they want to inprove their lifestyle, they develop thoughts of rich people, they hate living as poor, so they always try to improve their financial conditions. there are many people who become poor due to some wrong steps or decisions in their lives. while living in poverty, they realize their mistakes and try hard to not repeat the same mistake anymore. poor people also get to know about many harsh truths in this world that rich and middle class people can’t. So in this way poverty is a good teacher too.
But poverty is also a sin, not only for some people, but for whole world too. more poverty in a country can restrict its scope for development unless and until the govt of the country or some of the organisations take some necessary steps to eradicate poverty. increase in poverty can lead to downfall of economy, poverty can lead to poor hygiene and further affect the employment, infrastructure and whole development. poverty also leads to more crimes and chaos in a country.
The pain poverty provides to the people makes them realize why they shouldn’t be in poverty. poverty is not good for the society, but it provides many life lessons to the people necessary to eradicate poverty itself.
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