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Is Handing over the phone to children from the age of 12, right or not?
Should a 12 year old child be given a mobile phone or not? Answer:- Hello In answer to your question, I would like to say that this thing mostly depends on you and your family because according to the age of your child, I believe that you can give him your mobile to use but that too for a limit of 1Read more
Should a 12 year old child be given a mobile phone or not?
In answer to your question, I would like to say that
this thing mostly depends on you and your family because according to the age of your child, I believe that you can give him your mobile to use but that too for a limit of 1 or 2 hours only. So that he can use it for his studies. Because according to today’s time, mobile has as many disadvantages as advantages.
Here I would like to tell you about some advantages
1. We can use mobile for online studies.
2. Mobile will also help in social development of your child. Due to which he will talk to his friends, relatives, which will develop his speaking power.
3. If you give your child his own phone, then if he ever gets into any problem, he can immediately call you.
Disadvantages of mobile
1. Your child can be brain washed because nowadays so many games have come in mobile which harm the child more than help his development.
2. If you give him mobile, he will not feel like studying.
3. The special and important thing is that if he watches mobile a lot, you will like it for a few days but later you will get angry with him due to which your child will develop a feeling of hatred towards you. And he will always be irritated with you.
4. Mobile can damage the eyes of the child and many times the child also becomes a victim of cyber fraud.
Because the intellect of a 12 year old child is not as mature as that of us adults, due to which he sometimes comes in the trap of wrong people and starts walking on the wrong path.
That is why you can always let your child use your mobile until he grows up and matures mentally, but you should also always keep an eye on the child as to what he sees, what he listens to and what he does in it.
My job is to give you the right advice. The rest depends on you what decision you take next.
Thank you, I hope this helped you.
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