In the following questions, carefully study the cases presented and then answer the questions that follow : You have joined as a reporter in a newly launched news channel. This choice was based on the assurance given by channel’s management that it would emerge as the voice of the downtrodden. While working on various assignments, you reported political incidents and covered national stories as instructed by the organization. But later you come to know that the channel was targeting particular individuals, rather than serving its stated mission. The reporters were also pressurised to go out of the way to accomplish the organisation’s wishes. Given the economic slowdown, most reporters complied with these directives. Some who left the job, also did not blow the whistle against the organisation fearing lack of other employment opportunities. Recently, you have also been assigned a similar task by the organisation.
In this context,
a. Identify the various ethical issues involved in this case.
b. You tried to convince the management to change its functioning and work as per its assurance given earlier but to no avail.
In such a scenario, consider the options given below:
- Follow the task given by the organisation.
- Work with other reporters in protest against the organisation’s actions.
- Leave the job.
- Blow the whistle on the organisation’s working.
Evaluate the merits and demerits of each of these options and suggest your preferred course of action, giving reasons.