1. Ethics and Human Interface– Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human action, dimensions of ethics, Ethics in private and public relationship.
Ethics and Human Interface
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Determinants and consequences of Ethics in human action
- What is meant by Human Action in Ethics? Discuss the determinants and consequences of ethics in Human Action. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
- What are the essential virtues which are responsible for an ideal human ethical behaviour according to Mahatma Gandhi? Discuss. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
- Differentiate between ethics and morality and explain the determinants of ethical actions. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
Dimensions of ethics
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Ethics in private and public relationship
2. Human Values: Lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators, role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating values
Human Values
Lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders
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Lessons from reformers and administrators
- Explain the eightfold path given by Buddha for the purification of conduct. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
Role of family, society and educational institutions
- Discuss the role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcatin values. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- “A child learns values by what he observes around him”. Discuss the role of family and society in the formation of values in the light of this statement. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
- What are the traditional values in Indian society? How does it differ from modern values? Explain. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
- We are witnessing increasing instances of sexual violence against women in the country. Despite legal provisions against it, the number of such incidences are increasing. Suggest some innovative measures to tackle this menace. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
3. Attitude– Content, structure, function, its influence and relation with thought and behaviour, moral and political attitudes, social influence and persuasion.
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Attitude– Content, structure, function
- “Attitudes are the result of our experiences.” Explain and evaluate the factors responsible for attitude formation in the context of this statement. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
- Differentiate between the followinga. Attitude and value. b.Attitude and opinion.: (125 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
- Discuss the root causes of gender related negative attitude. Why is it so rigid? (200 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
- Differentiate betweena. Objectivity and dedication b. Structure and functions of attitudes: (125 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
- Define attitude in historical perspective and discuss the relationship between aptitude and attitude. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
- Differentiate between democratic attitude and bureaucratic attitude of public servants. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
- Differentiate between democratic attitude and bureaucratic attitude of public servants. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- Differentiate between the followinga. a.Tolerance and Compassion b. Attitude and Aptitude . (125 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- Describe various components of attitude and discuss factors that influence attitude formation. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2023].
- What factors the formation of a person’s attitude towards social problems? Support your answer with examples. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
Its influence and relation with thought and behaviour
- How far Gita’s Niskam Karmayoga can be helpful in preventing the increasing events of depression and suicide? Discuss. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- Discuss the factors which influence the formation of individual’s attitude towards social problems with the help of suitable examples. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
Moral and political attitudes
- Does individual morality have a bearing effect on the decision of public life? (125 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
- What do you understand by moral and political attitude of human? How will you justify these in the present political scenario? (200 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
Social influence and persuasion
- What do you understand by social influence? How social influence and persuation can bring out behavioural change? (200 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
- Explain the role of persuation in relation to public protest with proper argument. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
- Explain the merits and demerits of persuasion in relation to public protest. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- Now a days social media is used to influence public opinion either in positive or in negative way. Being a civil servant, how will you solve this issue ? (200 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
- What is the role of social influence in public administration? Elucidate with examples. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
- Describe the strategies that civil servants can employ to overcome resistance to change and effectively persuade stakeholders to support new policies and initiatives. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
- Explain the importance of persuasive communication to change the attitudes of the masses. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
- Explain the importance of persuasive communication in attitudinal change. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
4. Aptitude and Foundational Values for Civil Service, integrity, impartiality and non-partisanship, objectivity, dedication to public services, empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the weaker-sections
Foundational Values for Civil Service
- Discuss and evaluate the relevance of the following in the context of the civil service: a.Integrity b. Impartiality c. Objectivity d. Non-partisanship (200 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
- Evaluate the relevance of the following in the contest of Civil service:a.Conscience b. Spirit of service c. Discipline. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
- What are the seven principles of public life? Are they codes of conduct for civil servants? Evaluate. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- Examine the relevance of the following in the context of civil services:a. Transparency b. Accountability c. Courage of conviction (125 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- Present in brief the necessary foundational values for the civil servants. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- What is Gita’s Anasakta Yoga’? What message does it provide to civil servants? Explain. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- What do you understand by ‘voice of conscience’? How does it help in performing the duty of civil servants? (125 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
- Discuss the following in the context of civil services.a. Impartiality b. Commitment (125 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- Can Bhagavadgita be an ethical guide for civil servants? Comment. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
- Discuss any two important attributes which you consider important for public servant. Justify your answer. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
- “Tolerance is supreme fundamental value.” Discuss this statement in context of civil servant. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
- What do you understand by the term ‘Public Servant’? What kind of aptitude is considered important for the civil services? Explain. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- How aptitude is different from interest? “If one has the interest to become civil servant but does not have aptitude for it then will he/she be successful as a civil servant?” Discuss. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
Impartiality and non-partisanship
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Dedication to public services
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Tolerance and compassion towards the weaker-sections
- “Public service is recognised on the basis of tolerance and compassion towards the weaker section of the society.” Explain the values of tolerance and compassion in this context. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
- How do the values of tolerance and compassion get manifested in public service towards the weaker sections? Explain with suitable examples. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
5. Emotional Intelligence– concept and dimensions, its utility and application in administration and governance
Emotional Intelligence
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Concept & dimensions
- “In essence emotional intelligence is not a theoretical concept but a multidimensional social skill.” Explain the concept and dimensions of emotional intelligence in the context of the statement. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
- What do you understand by emotional intelligence? Discuss its dimensions. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
Utility & Application in administration and governance
- Discuss the utility of emotional Intelligence in administration. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- How will you apply emotional intelligence in administrative practices? Explain. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- “Emotional intelligence is very important in effective administrative practices”. Throw light on this statement. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
- Explain the role of emotional intelligence for good governance and administration. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
6. Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and world
Contributions of moral thinkers
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Contributions of moral thinkers & Philosophers from India
- Examine the ethical and social ideas of Gandhi. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
- “Religious bigotry has always been an obstacle for progress in any democratic country.” Discuss. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- Consider the non-cooperation movement of Gandhi from the philosophical point of view. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
Contributions of Moral Thinkers Philosophers from the world
- What is Kant’s doctrine of ‘duty for duty’s sake’? What is the role of this principle in civil services? Discuss. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- Examine the role of social and political ideas of Karl Marx in the field of contemporary public services. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- “Kan’s ethics is formalist and rigorist.” Critically examine this view and evaluate the importance of Kantain ethical principles in moral life. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
- What is universal religion? Discuss its major elements. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
7. Public/Civil Service values and ethics in Public Administration– status and problems, ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions, laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of ethical guidance, accountability and ethical governance, strengthening of moral values in governance, ethical issues in international relations and funding, corporate governance
Public/Civil Service values and ethics in Public Administration
- How can liberality and objectivity be fostered among civil servants ? Give your suggestion. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
- What are the circumstances which create suspicion about an officer’s integrity? (125 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
- What do you understand by Moral insight? How does it help in Moral situation of civil servants ? (125 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
- Differentiate between Tolerance and compassion. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
- While formulating public policies a civil servant must safely focus on the public welfare and while implementing those policies he must have a foresight to infer possible unexpected consequences”. Do you agree with this statement? Give arguments and justifications for your answer. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
- “Today objectivity and dedication is the need of the need of the hour in civil services’.-Justify the statement. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
- “Administration is a moral act and administrator is a moral agent.” Explicate this statement. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
Status and problems
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Ethical concerns and dilemmas in government institutions
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Ethical concerns and dilemmas in private institutions
Accountability and ethical governance
- Is judicial control necessary in Public Administration? Explain the various possible forms of judical control over the Public Administration. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
- Write short notes on: a. Ethical responsibilities of public servant. b. Public interest and the right to information.(125 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- Describe the relevance of the following in the context of civil services:a.Ethical governance b. Probity in public life. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
- Describe the relevance of the following in the context of civil servants.a. Dadication b.Accountability (125 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
- Examine the relevance of the following in the context of civil service. a Spirit of service b Courage of firm conviction.(125 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
Strengthening of moral values in governance
Ethical issues in international relations and funding
Corporate governance
- “Effective administration requires dedication towards Public Service.” Explain. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
- You are an honest and responsible civil servant. You often observe the following: (125 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- Explain with suitable examples the ethical issues in corporate governance. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
8. Probity in Governance– concept of public service, philosophical basis of governance and probity, information sharing and transparency in government, Right to Information, codes of ethics, codes of conduct, citizen’s charter, work culture, quality of service delivery, utilization of public funds, challenges of corruption
Probity in Governance
- It is often said that poverty leads to corruption. However, there is no dearth of instances where affluent and powerful people indulge in corruption in a big way. What are the main causes of corruption among people? Support your answer with examples. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- What is the probity? Explain clearly the philosophical basis of probity in governance. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- “The Right to Information Act is not only about citizen’s empowerment but it essentially redefines the concept of accountability.” Discuss. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
- What do you understand by Ethical Governance? Elucidate with example. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
- What are the major principles of public life? Discuss with suitable examples. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
Concept of public service
Philosophical basis of governance and probity
Information sharing and transparency in government
Right to Information
Codes of ethics & code of conduct
- Which of the five principles of code of conduct will be given priority by you and why? Explain. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- Is there any role of empaty in public services? Explain your views with suitable example. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2019]
- Differentiate between(a)Code of ethics and code of conduct (125 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
Citizen’s charter
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Work culture
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Quality of service delivery
Utilization of public funds
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Challenges of corruption
- What are the challenge of corruption? What steps should be taken according to you to prevent them from the society? Explain. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2018]
- “It is said that government servants take bribe because people offer bribe to them. If people stop offering bribe, the problem of bribe will be solved.” What is your opinion about the statement? Examine critically. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- “The requirement of government sanction for prosecuting the dishonest officials is a protective shield for corruption.” Examine the statement. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2020]
- Corruption causes misuse of government treasury, administrative inefficiency and obstruction in national development. Give suggestions for prevention of corruption in public life in the context of the statement given. (125 Words) [UPPSC 2021]
- What steps should be taken according to you to prevent corruption in society? Explain. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2022]
- “Non-performance of duty by a public servant is a type of corruption”. Do you agree with this statement? Explain logically. (200 Words) [UPPSC 2023]
9. Case studies